TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Ulangan 28:33

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hasil(TB/TL) <06529> [The fruit.]

ditindas(TB)/teraniaya(TL) <06231> [thou shalt be.]


selalu ditindas

Yer 6:6; 22:17 [Semua]

dan diinjak.

Yer 5:15-17; Yeh 25:4 [Semua]

Ulangan 28:49

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mendatangkan .... bangsa ... bangsa ........... bangsa ...... bangsa(TB)/membawa ..... bangsa ................ bangsa(TL) <01471 05375> [bring a nation.]

Though the Chaldeans are frequently described under the figure of an eagle, yet these verses especially predict the desolations brought on the Jews by the Romans; who came from a country far more distant than Chaldea; whose conquests were as rapid as the eagle's flight, and whose standard bore this very figure; who spake a language to which the Jews were then entire strangers, being wholly unlike the Hebrew, of which the Chaldee was merely a dialect; whose appearance and victories were terrible; and whose yoke was a yoke of iron; and the havoc which they made tremendous.

rajawali(TB)/burung nasar(TL) <05404> [as the eagle.]

bangsa ............. bangsa ... bahasanya ......... bahasanya(TB)/bangsa ................ bangsa(TL) <01471 03956> [a nation whose.]

mengerti(TB)/kamu mengerti(TL) <08085> [understand. Heb. hear.]


mendatangkan kepadamu

Im 26:44; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:44]

ujung bumi,

Yes 5:26-30,26; 7:18-20; 39:3; Yer 4:16; 5:15; 6:22; 25:32; 31:8; Hab 1:6 [Semua]

seperti rajawali

2Sam 1:23; Yer 4:13; 48:40; 49:22; Rat 4:19; Yeh 17:3 [Semua]

tidak mengerti,

Kej 11:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 11:7]; 1Kor 14:21%& [Semua]


Yeremia 5:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mendatangkan(TB/TL) <0935> [I will.]

kaum(TB)/rumah(TL) <01004> [O house.]

kokoh(TB)/kuat(TL) <0386> [a mighty.]

bangsa ............. bangsa ...... bangsa ...... bangsa(TB)/bangsa ............... bangsa .......... bangsa(TL) <01471> [a nation.]


suatu bangsa

Ul 28:49; [Lihat FULL. Ul 28:49]; 2Raj 24:2; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 24:2] [Semua]

kenal bahasanya,

Kej 11:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 11:7]; Yes 28:11; [Lihat FULL. Yes 28:11] [Semua]

TIP #21: Untuk mempelajari Sejarah/Latar Belakang kitab/pasal Alkitab, gunakan Boks Temuan pada Tampilan Alkitab. [SEMUA]
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