TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yudas 1:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yudas 1:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


[A. D. 66. A. M. 4070.]

Yudas(TB)/Yehuda(TL) <2455> [Jude.]

[Lebbeus, Thaddeus.]


hamba(TB/TL) <1401> [the servant.]

<37> [them.]

yang dipelihara(TB) <5083> [preserved.]

yang terpanggil(TB)/terpelihara(TL) <2822> [and called.]


Judul : Salam

Perikop : Yud 1:1-2

Dari Yudas,

Mat 13:55; Yoh 14:22; Kis 1:13 [Semua]

Yesus Kristus

Rom 1:1

yang terpanggil,

Rom 1:6,7 [Semua]

Yesus Kristus.

Yoh 17:12

1 Samuel 14:16-20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ombak(TB) <04127> [melted away.]

ke sana ke mari(TB)/tempuh-menempuh(TL) <01986> [beating down.]


Ketika peninjau-peninjau

2Sam 18:24; 2Raj 9:17; Yes 52:8; Yeh 33:2 [Semua]


Bawalah .... ke mari(TB)/Bawalah(TL) <05066> [Bring hither.]

The Septuagint reads [Prosagage to ephoud, hoti autos ere to ephoud en te hemera ekeine enopiou Israel.] "Bring hither the ephod; for he bore the ephod on that day before Israel:" which Houbigant and others think is the true reading. Finding that his son Jonathan and his armour-bearer were absent, Saul wished to consult the high-priest; but the tumult increasing, he says to him, "Withdraw thine hand:" i.e., desist form consulting the ephod on the present occasion, and immediately hastened to make the best use he could of this astonishing victory.

baju efod ........... baju efod(TB)/tabut ....... tabut(TL) <0727> [For the ark.]



1Sam 30:7

baju efod

Hak 18:5; [Lihat FULL. Hak 18:5]


keributan(TB)/huru-hara(TL) <01995> [noise. or, tumult. Withdraw.]


kepada imam

Bil 27:21


berkumpullah ......... masuk .... ketika(TB) <02199 0935> [assembled themselves. Heb. were cried together. every man's.]


orang menikam

Hak 7:22; [Lihat FULL. Hak 7:22]; Yeh 38:21; Za 14:13 [Semua]

1 Samuel 14:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ujung(TB/TL) <07097> [in the uttermost.]

pohon delima(TB)/pokok delima(TL) <07416> [a pomegranate.]

The word {rimmon,} in Arabic {romman,} whence the Portuguese {romaa,} denotes the pomegranate, both tree and fruit; called by naturalists {malus punica} or {malo-granatum.} It is, according to the Linnean system, a genus of the {icosandria monogynia} class of plants; and is a low tree, growing very common in Palestine, and other parts of the East. It has several small angular boughs, very thick and bushy, covered with a reddish bark, and some of them armed with sharp thorns. They are garnished with small, narrow, spear-shaped leaves, like those of the myrtle, but not so sharp, of a green colour, inclining to red. Its blossoms are large, beautiful, of an elegant red colour, inclining to purple, composed of several stalks resembling a rose, in the hollow of the cup: this cup is oblong, hard, purple, having a figure somewhat like that of a bell. It is chiefly valued for its fruit, which is exceedingly beautiful, of the form and size of a large apple, with a reddish rind, and red within; being full of small kernels, with red grains, replenished with a generous liquor, of which, Sir John Chardin informs us, they still make considerable quantities of wine in the East, particularly in Persia. But as the pomegranate tree, from its low growth, is but little adapted for pitching a tent under, it is probable that Rimmon here is the name of the rock mentioned in Jud 20:45.


Saul duduk

Hak 4:5; [Lihat FULL. Hak 4:5]

ujung Gibea

1Sam 13:15

pohon delima

Kel 28:33; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:33]

di Migron.

Yes 10:28

1 Samuel 20:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hal(TB)/perkara(TL) <01697> [the matter.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]


Tuhan ada

Kej 31:50; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:50]

Yesaya 19:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menggerakkan(TB)/mengadu(TL) <05526> [I will.]

menggerakkan(TB)/mengadu(TL) <05526> [set. Heb. mingle.]


melawan saudaranya,

Hak 7:22; [Lihat FULL. Hak 7:22]; Hak 12:4; [Lihat FULL. Hak 12:4]; Mat 10:21,36 [Semua]

melawan kerajaan;

2Taw 15:6; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 15:6]; 2Taw 20:23; Mat 24:7; Mr 13:8; Luk 21:10 [Semua]

TIP #26: Perkuat kehidupan spiritual harian Anda dengan Bacaan Alkitab Harian. [SEMUA]
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