TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Keluaran 26:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Suci ...... sepuluh tenda(TB)/kemah sembahyang ...... sepuluh ... kelambu(TL) <04908 06235 03407> [the tabernacle with ten curtains.]

The word {mishcan,} from {shachan,} to dwell, means simply a dwelling-place, or habitation. "When God had brought the children of Israel out of Egypt," says the very learned Dr. Cudworth, "resolving to manifest himself in a peculiar manner present among them, he thought good to dwell amongst them in a visible and external manner; and therefore, while they were in the wilderness, and sojourned in tents, he would have a tent or tabernacle built, to sojourn with them also.--Now, the tabernacle being thus a house for God to dwell in visibly, to make up the notion of dwelling or habitation complete, there must be all things suitable to a house belonging to it. Hence, in the holy place, there must be a table and a candlestick, because these were the ordinary furniture of a room. The table must have its dishes, and spoons, and bowls, and covers, belonging to it, though they were never used; and always be furnished with bread upon it. The candlestick must have its lamps continually burning, etc."

lenan halus .... benangnya benang bisus(TB)/benang bisus ... dipintal(TL) <08336 07806> [fine twined linen.]

kerubnya(TB)/berkerubiun(TL) <03742> [cherubims.]

buatan ahli ...... pekerjaan(TB)/pekerjaan kepandaian(TL) <04639 02803> [cunning work. Heb. the work of a cunning workman, or embroiderer.]


Judul : Mengenai Kemah Suci

Perikop : Kel 26:1-37


Kel 36:8-38 dengan Kel 26:1-7

Kemah Suci

Kel 29:42; 40:2; Im 8:10; Bil 1:50; Yos 22:19,29; 2Sam 7:2; 1Raj 1:39; Kis 7:44; Ibr 8:2,5; 13:10; Wahy 21:3; [Lihat FULL. Wahy 21:3] [Semua]

ada kerubnya,

Kel 25:18; [Lihat FULL. Kel 25:18]


Keluaran 27:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Kemah Pertemuan perhimpunan(TB)/kemah perhimpunan(TL) <04150 0168> [the tabernacle of the congregation.]

di depan tabir tirai(TB)/luar tirai(TL) <02351 06532> [without the vail.]

hukum(TB)/assyahadat(TL) <05715> [testimony.]

Harun(TB/TL) <0175> [Aaron.]

petang(TB/TL) <06153> [evening.]

ketetapan ..... selama-lamanya ........ kekal(TB)/hukum ... kekal(TL) <05769 02708> [a statute for ever.]


Kemah Pertemuan

Kel 28:43; 29:42; 30:36; 33:7; Im 1:1; 6:26; 8:3,31; Bil 1:1; 31:54; Yos 18:1; 1Raj 1:39 [Semua]

tabut hukum,

Kel 16:34; [Lihat FULL. Kel 16:34]

anak-anaknya mengaturnya

Kel 25:37; [Lihat FULL. Kel 25:37]

suatu ketetapan

Kel 29:9; 30:21; Im 3:17; 16:34; 17:7; Bil 18:23; 19:21; 1Sam 30:25 [Semua]

TIP #15: Gunakan tautan Nomor Strong untuk mempelajari teks asli Ibrani dan Yunani. [SEMUA]
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