TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Keluaran 39:1-31

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ungu tua(TB)/biru laut(TL) <08504> [the blue.]

pakaian .............. pakaian-pakaian(TB)/pakaian ....................... pakaian(TL) <0899> [cloths.]

diperbuatkannya ......... dibuat ............ kudus ... dibuat diperbuatnya ... kudus(TB)/suci ................... suci(TL) <06944 06213> [holy place.]

kudus ...... kudus(TB)/suci ................... suci(TL) <06944> [the holy.]


Judul : Membuat pakaian imam

Perikop : Kel 39:1

kain kirmizi

Kel 35:23

tempat kudus;

Kel 35:19

mereka pakaian-pakaian

Kel 39:41; Kel 28:2 [Semua]



Judul : Membuat baju efod

Perikop : Kel 39:2-7


Kel 28:6-14 dengan Kel 39:2-7


buatan seorang ahli .......... tenunan(TB)/tenunan .... kepandaian(TL) <04639 02803> [cunning work.]


Sabuk(TB)/sandang(TL) <02805> [curious.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [as the Lord.]


permata permata(TB)/permata unam(TL) <07718 068> [onyx stones.]

The meaning of the word {shoham} is not easily determined. It has been variously rendered a beryl, emerald, prasius, sapphire, sardius, ruby, carnelian, onyx, and sardonyx. It may signify both the onyx and sardonyx. The latter stone is a mixture of the chalcedony and carnelian, sometimes in strata, and at other times blended together, and is found striped with white and red strata, or layers. It is generally allowed that there is no real difference, except in hardness, between the carnelian, chalcedony, agate, sardonyx, and onyx. The onyx is of a darkish horny colour, resembling the nail or hoof, from which circumstance it has its name [(onyx).] It has often a plate of a blueish white or red in it, and when on one or both sides of this white there appears a plate of a reddish colour, the jewellers call the stone a sardonyx.

ikat(TB)/ikatan(TL) <04865> [ouches.]

{Mishbetzoth,} strait places, sockets, to insert the stones in, from {shavatz,} to straiten, enclose.


peringatan(TB/TL) <02146> [a memorial.]


permata peringatan

Im 24:7; Yos 4:7 [Semua]



Judul : Membuat tutup dada

Perikop : Kel 39:8-21


Kel 28:15-28 dengan Kel 39:8-21

tutup dada,

Im 8:8


jajar ......... jajar(TB)/jajar sejajar ................. jajar(TL) <02905> [the first row.]

yaspis merah(TB)/akik(TL) <0124> [sardius. or, ruby.]


yaspis(TB)/intan(TL) <03095> [a diamond.]

The word {yahalom} may mean the diamond, from {halam,} to beat, smite, because of its extreme hardness, by which it will beat to pieces the other stones. It is a fine pellucid substance never debased with any admixture of other matter; susceptible of elegant tinges from metal-line particles; giving fire with steel; not fermenting with acid menstrua; scarcely calcinable by any degree of fire; and of one simple and permanent appearance in all lights. It is the hardest and most valuable of all gems; when pure, perfectly clear and pellucid as the clearest water, and eminently distinguished from all other substances by its vivid splendour, and the brightness of its reflections.


permata ambar(TB)/permata pusparagam(TL) <03958> [a ligure.]

{Leshem,} the ligure, the same as the jacinth, or hyacinth, a precious stone of a deep red, with a considerable tinge of yellow. Theophrastus and Pliny say it resembles the carbuncle, of a brightness sparkling like fire.

akik(TB)/permata syabu(TL) <07618> [an agate.]

{Shevo,} the agate, a semi-pellucid compound gem, formed of different simple minerals, as chalcedony, cornelian, jasper. horn-stone, quartz, amethyst, opal, etc.; joined irregularly or in layers. It is of a white, reddish, yellowish, or greenish ground; and so variously figured in its substance as to represent plants, trees, animals, and other objects.

kecubung(TB)/permata martis(TL) <0306> [an amethyst.]

{Achlamah,} an amethyst, a transparent gem, composed of a strong blue and deep red; and according as either prevails, affording different tinges of purple, sometimes approaching to violet, and sometimes even fading to a pale rose colour.


permata pirus(TB)/permata firuzah(TL) <08658> [a beryl.]

Tarshish, a pellucid gem, of a sea or blueish green colour.

nefrit(TB)/permata yasyib(TL) <03471> [a jasper.]

{Yaspeh,} the jasper, a hard stone, of which there are not less than fifteen varieties of colour, as green, red, yellow, brown, black, etc.



dua belas

Wahy 21:12


untai berpilin ....... bercengkeling(TB)/rantai ........ bercengkeling(TL) <08333 01383> [chains at the ends.]


emas .... gelang cincin .... gelang cincin(TB)/emas ..... cincin emas .... cincin(TL) <02091 02885> [gold rings.]


Kedua ..... kedua ... berjalin .... dawai ... kedua(TB)/kedua ........ dawai ..... kedua(TL) <05688 08147> [two wreathen.]

efod(TB/TL) <0646> [ephod.]



persambungannya(TB/TL) <04225> [coupling.]


TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [as the Lord.]



Judul : Pakaian imam lainnya

Perikop : Kel 39:22-31


Kel 28:31-43 dengan Kel 39:22-31


Dibuat(TB)/diperbuatkannya(TL) <06213> [they made.]

buah delima(TB/TL) <07416> [pomegranates.]


giring-giring ....... giring-giring(TB)/giring-giring .......... giring-giring(TL) <06472> [bells.]

buah delima ......... buah delima(TB)/delima .......... buah delima(TL) <07416> [the pomegranates.]


buah delima(TB)/delima ........ delima(TL) <07416> [pomegranate.]

ujung(TB)/klim(TL) <07757> [hem.]


kemeja(TB)/baju(TL) <03801> [coats.]

lenan halus(TB)/bisus(TL) <08336> [fine.]

The word {Shesh} seems rather to mean cotton, than either fine linen or silk; called also {butz,} and by the Greeks, [byssos,] and Romans, {byssus.}


dari lenan

Im 6:10; 8:2 [Semua]


serban(TB)/kulah(TL) <04701> [a mitre.]

lenan halus ...... lenan halus ... lenan ... lenan halus(TB)/bisus ...... bisus ..... kain rami .... bisus(TL) <08336 0906> [linen.]

celana(TB)/serual(TL) <04370> [breeches.]

{Michnasim,} from {kanas,} to wrap round.



Kel 39:31; Kel 28:4; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:4]; Im 8:9; Yes 61:10 [Semua]


ikat(TB)/ikat pinggang(TL) <073> [a girdle.]

{Avnet,} a belt or girdle, of the same kind as the eastern sash, which confines the loose garments about the waist; and in which their long skirts are tucked up when at work or on a journey.


patam(TB)/jamang(TL) <06731> [the plate.]

kudus .............. Kudus(TB)/kesucian .............. Kesucian(TL) <06944> [HOLINESS.]


bagi Tuhan.

Yes 23:18; Za 14:20 [Semua]


pada serbannya,

Kel 39:28; [Lihat FULL. Kel 39:28]

TIP #06: Pada Tampilan Alkitab, Tampilan Daftar Ayat dan Bacaan Ayat Harian, seret panel kuning untuk menyesuaikan layar Anda. [SEMUA]
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