Lukas 6:12
- Appointing the Apostles (Matius 10:1-4; Markus 3:13-19; Lukas 6:12-16)
Jesus appointing the apostles
Matius 14:23
Tidak ada Gambar yang terkait dengan ayat-ayat ini.Markus 1:35-36
- To a Solitary Place (Markus 1:35-38; Lukas 4:42)
Jesus in prayer
Jesus going out to a solitary place
Markus 6:46
- Up into the Hills to Pray (Matius 14:22; Markus 6:45-47)
Jesus going up in the mountain to pray
He feeds 5000 people
Jesus walks on the sea
Miracle of the loaves and the fish, and Christ sending the disciples ahead in a boat, The