TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Matius 2:8-9

Matius 5:13

Matius 9:13

Matius 14:9

Matius 16:27

Matius 17:22

Matius 18:16

Matius 19:1

Tidak ada Gambar yang terkait dengan ayat-ayat ini.

Matius 22:23

Matius 24:26

Matius 25:29

Matius 25:31

Matius 26:13

Matius 26:64

Matius 28:2

  •  Earthquake and Resurrection (Matius 28:2-4; 1 Korintus 15:4)
  • The Bible does not tell us about the actual resurrection, but about the signs accompanying it. The stone is not removed to let Jesus out, but to show the empty tomb. Anyway, pictures of the resurrection represented by the links below, are mostly connected with the earthquake. This is the traditional way to treat the subject in art.
    Ressurection of Christ, The
    Resurrection of Christ
    Stories of Christ's passion
    Stories of Christ's passion
    (191 Gambar)   Pasal TerkaitMatius 28 ;  1 Korintus 15

Matius 28:6

Matius 28:11

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