TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Matius 21:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


jika ........ menaruh(TB)/jikalau ... menaruh(TL) <1437 2192> [If ye have.]

Beranjaklah(TB)/Terangkatlah(TL) <142> [Be thou removed.]


tidak bimbang,

Mat 17:20; Luk 17:6; 1Kor 13:2; Yak 1:6 [Semua]


Matius 23:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sebab(TB)/Karena(TL) <3754> [for.]

adas manis(TB)/adas(TL) <432> [anise. Gr. [anethon <\\See definition 432\\>,] dill.]

Dill is a species of plant of the pentandria digynia class, growing native in Spain and Portugal. The root is fusiform and long; stems, erect-groved, jointed, branched, and about two feet in height; leaves, doubly pinnated, sweet and odorous; flowers, flat, terminal umbels; corolla, five ovate, concave, yellow petals, with apexes inflected; germen, like that of fennel; seeds, scarcely the length of a carraway seed, but broader and flatter, of a brown colour, aromatic, sweetish odour, and warmish, pungent taste.

[cummin. Gr. [kuminom <\\See definition 2951\\>]]

Cummin is a plant of the same class as dill: it rises eight or ten inches on a slender round procumbent, branching stem; leaves, a dark green, narrow, linear, and pointed; flowers, purple, in numerous four rayed umbels; corolla, five unequal petals, inflected, and notched at the apex; seeds, oblong, striated, of a brown colour, strong, heavy odour, and warm, bitterish taste.

terpenting(TB)/jintan(TL) <926> [the weightier.]

Inilah(TL) <5023> [these.]


sebab persepuluhan

Im 27:30

dan kesetiaan.

Mi 6:8; Luk 11:42 [Semua]

TIP #21: Untuk mempelajari Sejarah/Latar Belakang kitab/pasal Alkitab, gunakan Boks Temuan pada Tampilan Alkitab. [SEMUA]
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