Markus 1:12
- The Temptation (Matius 4:1-11; Markus 1:12; Lukas 4:1-13)
Three temptations of Christ, The
Christ on the way in the desert
Temptation of Christ
Temptation on the pinnacle, The
Markus 1:36
- To a Solitary Place (Markus 1:35-38; Lukas 4:42)
Jesus in prayer
Jesus going out to a solitary place
Markus 2:28
- The Disciples Pluck Corn (Matius 12:1-8; Markus 2:23-28; Lukas 6:1-5)
Disciples pluck corn, The
Disciples plucking corn on the Sabbath, The
Pharisees confront Jesus over allowing his disciples to pick grain on the Sabbath
Lord of the Sabbath, and the parables of the sower and weeds
Markus 4:6
- From a Boat (Matius 13:1-9; Markus 4:1-9; Lukas 5:1-3)
- The Sower (Matius 13:3-8; Markus 4:3-8; Lukas 8:5-8)
Luke connects this event to the calling of Peter. Matthew and Mark connect it to the parable of the sower.
Calling of the apostles, The. Christ preaches from St. Peter's boat.
Jesus preaches from a ship
Christ preaching at the seaport
Harbour scene with Christ preaching
Parable of the sower
Landscape with the parable of the sower
Sower, The
Behold, a sower went forth to sow
Markus 10:5
Tidak ada Gambar yang terkait dengan ayat-ayat ini.Markus 10:9-10
Tidak ada Gambar yang terkait dengan ayat-ayat ini.Markus 15:3
- Interrogation and Accusations (Matius 27:11-14; Markus 15:2-5; Lukas 23:2-5; Yohanes 18:29-38;19:9-11)
Christ before Pilate
Christ before Pilate
Christ before Pilate
Jesus brought before Pilate
Markus 15:10
- The Announcement to the Disciples (Markus 15:10; Lukas 24:9-11; Yohanes 20:2;20:18)
- Barabbas, Persuasion, and Sentence (Matius 27:15-26; Markus 15:6-15; Lukas 23:13-25; Yohanes 18:38-40;19:4-8;19:12-16)
They have taken the Lord out of the tomb
Same day he appears to the women, The
Mary Magdalene announces the resurrection to the apostles
Told all these things *
When it is hard to decide whether an artwork depicts the Jews' accusations at Pilate's initial interrogation or the scene accompanying and following the Barabbas episode, where the Jews persuade the governor to convict Jesus, the artwork is connected to the subject of the interrogation and accusations
Christ before Pilate
Ecce homo
Pilate washing his hands
Christ crowned with thorns: "The King of the Jews" *
(179 Gambar)
Topik Terkait:
Ecce Homo ;
Interrogation and Accusations ;
Pilate Washing His Hands
Nama Terkait:
Pasal Terkait:
Matius 27 ;
Markus 15 ;
Lukas 23 ;
Yohanes 18 ;
Yohanes 19