TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Matius 14:10-11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


memenggal kepala(TB)/memancung(TL) <607> [and beheaded.]

penjara(TB/TL) <5438> [the prison.]

Josephus informs us that John the Baptist was imprisoned and beheaded by Herod in the strong castle of Machaerus, which he describes as situated about 60 stadia east of Jordan, not far from where the river discharges itself into the Dead Sea.


Disuruhnya memenggal kepala

Mat 17:12


dan .......... lalu diberikan diberikan .... dan(TB)/Maka ........... dan diberikan ...... maka(TL) <2532 1325> [and given.]

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