TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Nehemia 3:22

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Nehemia 4:13

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Nehemia 4:19

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Nehemia 6:5

Sanbalat : a man who was an enemy of Nehemiah

Nehemia 6:14

Noaja : son of Binnui; a Levite on duty in the time of Ezra,a prophetess who tried to frighten Nehemiah

Sanbalat : a man who was an enemy of Nehemiah

Tobia : a Levite whom King Jehoshaphat sent to teach around Judah,a chief of the priests who returned from exile with Zerubbabel

Nehemia 8:13

anak-anak Lewi : members of the tribe of Levi

bani Lewi : members of the tribe of Levi

Ezra : a man of Judah; probably the son of Hodiah

kaum-kaum Lewi : members of the tribe of Levi

kaum-kaum suku Lewi : members of the tribe of Levi

Lewi : relating to Levi and the priesthood given to him,a tribal name describing people and ceremonies as sacred

orang Lewi : member of the tribe of Levi

orang-orang dari bani Lewi : members of the tribe of Levi

orang-orang Lewi : members of the tribe of Levi

Orang-orang suku Lewi : members of the tribe of Levi

para orang Lewi : members of the tribe of Levi

salah seorang Lewi : members of the tribe of Levi

semua orang Lewi : members of the tribe of Levi

seorang Lewi : member of the tribe of Levi

suku Lewi : member of the tribe of Levi

Nehemia 9:36

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Nehemia 11:7

bani Benyamin : the tribe of Benjamin of Israel

Benyamin : the tribe of Benjamin of Israel

Itiel : son of Jeshaiah of Benjamin,a man who was perhaps Agur's student (NIVfn)

kaum suku Benyamin : the tribe of Benjamin of Israel

Kolaya : son of Ma-Aseiah of Benjamin,father of Ahab, a false prophet in Jeremiah's time

Mesulam : grandfather of Shaphan, King Josiah's secretary,son of Zerubbabel,son of Abihail; a founding father of one of the clans of Gad,son of Elpaal of Benjamin,son of Hodaviah of Benjamin,son of Shephatiah of Benjamin,a high priest; son of Zadok II,son of Meshillemith; a priest,a Kohath Levite overseer of temple restoration for King Josiah,one of the leaders Ezra sent to Iddo to ask for recruits,a man who opposed the Jews putting away their heathen wives,a layman of the Bani Clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Berechiah son of Meshezabel; a repairer of the wall,son of Besodeiah; a man who helped repair a gate in the wall,a man who stood with Ezra when he publicly read the law to the assembly,a priest who signed the covenant to keep God's law,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law,son of Joed of Benjamin; father of Sallu, a returned exile,a priest and head of the house of Ezra under High Priest Joiakim in the time of Nehemiah,a priest, head of the house of Ginnethon in Nehemiah's time,a man who was a gate keeper in the time of Nehemiah

orang Benyamin : the tribe of Benjamin of Israel

orang-orang Benyamin : member(s) of the tribe of Benjamin

Pedaya : a man of Rumah; father of Zebidah, the mother of King Jehoiakim,son of King Jehoiachin,a man of the half-tribe of Manasseh in Saul and David's time,a man who helped rebuild the wall of Jerusalem; son of Parosh,a man who stood with Ezra when he read the law to the assembly,son of Kolaiah of Benjamin; a returned exile

Salai : a Benjamite leader who lived in Jerusalem

Salu : father of Zimri (Simeon) who tried to lead Israel into sin

seorang Benyamin : member(s) of the tribe of Benjamin

suku Benyamin : the tribe of Benjamin of Israel

Yesaya : son of Hananiah, a descendant of King Jehoiachin,son of Jeduthun the Levite and worship leader under Jeduthun and King David,son of Rehabiah; a Levitical chief treasurer whose descendants returned from exile,son of Athaliah; head of a family group descended from Elam who returned from exile,a Levite of Merari who led recruits to Ezra,a man of Benjamin; ancestor of Sallu, who lived in Jerusalem in Nehemiah's time

Yoed : son of Pedaiah of Benjamin

Yoëd : son of Pedaiah of Benjamin

Nehemia 11:10

Yakhin : son of Simeon,a pillar of Solomon's temple,a priest leader of one of the first clans to return from exile,chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary

Yedaya : son of Shimri; ancestor of a large influential family of Simeon,son of Harumaph; a builder on the wall of Jerusalem,chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary,son of Joiarib/Jehoiarib; a priest who returned with Zerubbabel,a priest who returned with Zerubbabel

Yoyarib : one of the leaders Ezra sent to Iddo to ask for recruits,son of Zechariah of Judah,priest and leader among those who returned from exile with Zerubbabel; signer of the contract to obey Moses' law

Nehemia 13:31

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