TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Pengkhotbah 2:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berhikmat(TB)/berbudi(TL) <02450> [wise.]

sama(TB) <0259> [one.]


mereka semua.

Mazm 49:11; Pengkh 3:19; 6:6; 7:2; 9:3,11-12 [Semua]

Pengkhotbah 3:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bersuka-suka(TB)/menyukakan(TL) <08055> [but.]

Pengkhotbah 4:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Pengkhotbah 7:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hatiku(TL) <05315> [yet.]

seorang(TB)/seorang laki-laki(TL) <0259> [one.]

kudapati kudapati ......... kudapati ... perempuan(TB)/kudapati ............ mendapat ........ kudapati ........ perempuan(TL) <04672 0802> [but.]

Solomon, instead of seeking one rational, virtuous woman, had collected an immense multitude, of various countries and religions, for magnificence and indulgence; among whom, as might have been expected, he had not found one who was thoroughly faithful, upright, and pious. He here uses the language of a penitent, warning others of the errors into which he had been led; and not that of a wasphish satirist, lashing indiscriminately one half of the human species.


seorang perempuan

1Raj 11:3

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