TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yehezkiel 1:8

1:8 They had human hands 1  under their wings on their four sides. As for the faces and wings of the four of them,

Yehezkiel 1:11

1:11 Their wings were spread out above them; each had two wings touching the wings of one of the other beings on either side and two wings covering their bodies.

Yehezkiel 10:12

10:12 along with their entire bodies, 2  their backs, their hands, and their wings. The wheels of the four of them were full of eyes all around.
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[1:8]  1 tc The MT reads “his hand” while many Hebrew mss as well as the Qere read “hands of.” Two similar Hebrew letters, vav and yod, have been confused.

[10:12]  2 tc The phrase “along with their entire bodies” is absent from the LXX and may be a gloss explaining the following words.

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