TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yehezkiel 1:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


saling(TB)/bersambatlah(TL) <02266> [joined.]

berbalik(TB)/berpaling(TL) <05437> [they turned.]


kalau berjalan,

Yeh 10:22

Yehezkiel 10:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pertama(TB)/tiap-tiap ........ satu(TL) <0259> [every.]

muka ..... muka kerub ... kerubiun ... muka ...... muka ....... muka(TB)/bermuka ... muka ..... muka kerubiun ... muka ..... muka ....... muka ....... muka(TL) <06440 03742> [the face of a cherub.]

In ch. 1:10, instead of "the face of a cherub," it is "the face of an ox:" hence a cherub was in the likeness of an ox, at least as to its head. The extraordinary shape of these angelic beings, which appeared to the prophet in vision, is manifestly symbolical; for it is not to be supposed that these heavenly beings are really thus formed. The four faces, wings, and the arms of a man, denote the sublime qualities of these immediate ministers of the Deity; qualities entirely essential to fill up the extent of their duty. The face of a man denotes their intelligence; of a lion, their intrepid courage; of an ox, their patience and perseverance in labour; and of an eagle, their great penetration, their sublime sight into heavenly things, and their readiness to rise up into all that is great and divine. The wings being stretched out, signifies their readiness and rapidity in obeying the commands of their Master; the wings bent down, denotes their profound respect before the Lord of the Universe; and the man's arms under the wings, shew that zeal produces application and labour.



1Raj 7:36

empat muka:

Yeh 1:6

muka singa

1Raj 7:29

muka rajawali.

Yeh 1:10; 41:19; Wahy 4:7 [Semua]

TIP #21: Untuk mempelajari Sejarah/Latar Belakang kitab/pasal Alkitab, gunakan Boks Temuan pada Tampilan Alkitab. [SEMUA]
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