Sh@'altiy'el <07597>

laytlav Sh@'altiy'el or laytlv Shaltiy'el

Pelafalan:sheh-al-tee-ale' shal-tee-ale'
Asal Mula:from 07592 and 0410, Greek 4528 salayihl
Jenis Kata:n pr m (noun proper masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:laytlas 6, laytls 3
Dalam TB:Sealtiel 9
Dalam AV:Shealtiel 8, Salathiel 1
Definisi : Shealtiel or Salathiel = "I have asked of God" 1) father of Zerubbabel 2) son of king Jehoiachin or Jeconiah or Coniah of Judah and uncle of Zerubbabel
or Shaltiy(el {shal-tee-ale'}; from 7592 and 410; I have asked God; Shealtiel, an Israelite: KJV -- Shalthiel, Shealtiel.
see HEBREW for 07592
see HEBREW for 0410
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Sealtiel (TB, BIS, TL, FAYH)
Syaaltiel (TL)

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