ho <3588>

o ho including the feminine h he

Pelafalan:ho hay, and the neuter \~to\~ to to
Asal Mula:in all their inflections, the definite article
Jenis Kata:article (article)
Dalam Yunani:ai 145, h 968, o 2827, oi 1108, ta 823, taiv 203, tav 337, th 870, thn 1516, thv 1285, to 1676, toiv 619, ton 1571, tou 2490, touv 726, tw 1227, twn 1206, tw] 1, [ai] 1, [h 1, [h] 8, [o 7, [oi 2, [oi] 5, [o] 66, [ta 2, [tav] 2, [ta] 5, [th 1, [thn] 8, [thv 2, [thv] 2, [th] 1, [to 1, [toiv] 5, [ton 1, [ton] 5, [tou 7, [touv] 1, [tou] 11, [to] 5, [tw 1, [twn 1, [twn] 4, [tw] 6, [[h 1, [[o 2, [[oi 1, [[to 1, [[tou 1
Dalam TB: 2199, Siapa yang 1, dari 1, sampai 1, yang 1
Dalam AV:which 413, who 79, the things 11, the son 8, misc 32
Definisi : h, to jamak oi, ai, ta kata sandang/artikel tertentu bandingkanlah bahasa Inggris the) itu, ini, tersebut, -nya; ia; dengan infinitif: supaya, sehingga, untuk
1) this, that, these, etc.

Only significant renderings other than "the" counted

in all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom): KJV -- the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
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