pseudomai <5574>

qeudomai pseudomai

Asal Mula:middle voice of an apparently primary verb
Referensi:TDNT - 9:594,1339
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:eqeusw 1, qeudesye 2, qeudomai 4, qeudomenoi 1, qeudomeya 1, qeudontai 1, qeusasyai 2
Dalam TB:aku berdusta 4, berdusta 3, Engkau mendustai 1, difitnahkan 1, kita berdusta 1, kamu mendustai 1, mendustai 1
Dalam AV:lie 11, falsely 1
Definisi : berdusta, bohong; hidup dalam kepalsuan
memfitnah, mendustai, berdusta
1) to lie, to speak deliberate falsehoods
2) to deceive one by a lie, to lie to

middle voice of an apparently primary verb; to utter an untruth or attempt to deceive by falsehood: KJV -- falsely, lie.
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