TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Samuel 2:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ketiga(TB)/tiga(TL) <07969> [three.]

cepat larinya(TB)/pantas(TL) <07031> [was as light.]

cepat larinya(TB)/kakinya(TL) <07272> [foot. Heb. his feet. a wild roe. Heb. one of the roes that is in the field.]

[The word {tzevee,} rather denotes the gazelle or antelope.]

(See note on De 15:22.)


laki-laki Zeruya,

2Sam 3:39; 16:10; 19:22 [Semua]

yakni Yoab,

2Sam 3:30; 10:7; 11:1; 14:1; 18:14; 20:8; 24:3; 1Raj 1:7; 2:5,34 [Semua]


1Sam 26:6

dan Asael

2Sam 23:24; 1Taw 2:16; 11:26; 27:7 [Semua]

seperti kijang

1Taw 12:8; Ams 6:5; Kid 2:9 [Semua]

Ulangan 33:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


palang pintumu(TB)/kancingnya(TL) <04515> [Thy shoes, etc. or, Under thy shoes shall be iron.]

umurmu(TB)/harimu(TL) <03117> [and as thy.]


dari tembaga

Neh 3:3; 7:3; Mazm 147:13 [Semua]

selama umurmu

Ul 32:47; [Lihat FULL. Ul 32:47]

Habakuk 3:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kekuatanku(TB)/kuatku(TL) <02428> [my strength.]

rusa(TB)/kijang(TL) <0355> [like.]

berjejak(TB)/menjejak(TL) <01869> [to walk.]

permainan kecapi(TB) <05058> [stringed instruments. Heb. Neginoth.]


itu kekuatanku:

Ul 33:29; [Lihat FULL. Ul 33:29]; Mazm 46:2-6 [Semua]

di bukit-bukitku.

Ul 32:13; [Lihat FULL. Ul 32:13]; Mazm 18:34 [Semua]

TIP #21: Untuk mempelajari Sejarah/Latar Belakang kitab/pasal Alkitab, gunakan Boks Temuan pada Tampilan Alkitab. [SEMUA]
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