TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Tawarikh 9:13-28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berat(TB/TL) <04948> [the weight.]


Judul : Kemegahan Salomo

Perikop : 2Taw 9:13-28


1Raj 10:14-29; 2Taw 1:14-17 dengan 2Taw 9:13-28


bupati-bupati(TB)/penghulu(TL) <06346> [governors. or, captains.]


raja Arab

2Taw 17:11; Yes 21:13; Yer 25:24; Yeh 27:21; 30:5 [Semua]


ratus ........ ratus(TB)/ratus ........... ratus(TL) <03967> [two.]


gedung(TB)/istana(TL) <01004> [in the house.]


ratus perisai

2Taw 12:9

Hutan Libanon

1Raj 7:2; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 7:2]



dari gading,

1Raj 22:39; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 22:39]


kelek-kelek .... kelek-kelek(TB)/susuran ................. susuran(TL) <03027> [stays. Heb. hands. two lions.]


dua ... singa ... singa(TB)/dua .... singa(TL) <0738 08147> [twelve lions.]


minuman(TB/TL) <04945> [drinking.]

murni(TB)/tua(TL) <05462> [pure. Heb. shut up. none were of silver. or, there was no silver in them. it was.]


Tarsis ........... Tarsis(TB)/Tarsis ............... Tarsis(TL) <08659> [Tarshish.]

Bochart thinks this Tarshish was probably the promontory Cory, on the north of the island of Ceylon, which, according to him, was the land of Ophir. That it was name of a place in the East Indies, seems probable from the articles brought thence, and also from the ships sent thither being built at Ezion-geber, on the Red Sea; though Michaelis supposes that the fleet coasted along the shore of Africa, doubling the Cape of Good Hope, and came to Tartessus, in Spain, and thence back again the same way; that this accounts for their three years' voyage out and home; and that Spain and the coasts of Africa furnish all the commodities which they brought back.

[See on]

[Tharshish. ivory. or, elephants' teeth. peacocks.]

{Tukkeeyim} is rendered {taysin} in the Targum, [taonon,] in the Alexandrian MS. of the LXX., and {pavos,} "peacocks," in the Vulgate; with which the Syriac, Arabic, and Rabbins agree. This derives confirmation from the fact, that the peacock is called in Malabaric, {Togei.}


Raja ... raja ... raja ...... raja(TB)/Demikianlah ... raja ........ raja(TL) <01431 04428> [passed all the kings.]


di bumi

1Raj 3:13; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 3:13]; 2Taw 1:12; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 1:12] [Semua]


berikhtiar(TB)/datang(TL) <01245> [sought.]

Allah(TB/TL) <0430> [God.]


Semua raja

1Raj 4:34; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 4:34]


masing-masing(TB/TL) <0376> [every man.]


membawa persembahannya,

2Taw 32:23; Mazm 45:13; 68:30; 72:10; Yes 18:7 [Semua]



dan kereta-keretanya

1Sam 8:11; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 8:11]


memerintah .... raja(TB)/takluklah(TL) <04910 04428> [reigned over.]

Efrat(TB)/sungai(TL) <05104> [river.]

"That is, Euphrates."


ia memerintah

1Raj 4:21; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 4:21]

sungai Efrat

Mazm 72:8-9 [Semua]

batas Mesir.

Kej 15:18-21 [Semua]


Raja(TB)/bagindapun(TL) <04428> [the king.]

membuat .............. sama(TB)/disebabkan ....... disamakan(TL) <05414> [made. Heb. gave. the sycamore.]


didatangkan(TB)/dibawa(TL) <03318> [brought.]

"Moses," says Bp. Warburton, "had expressly prohibited the multiplying of horses, (De 17:16;) by which the future king was forbidden to establish a body of calvary, because this could not be effected without sending into Egypt, with which people God had forbidden any communication, as this would be dangerous to religion. When Solomon had violated this law, and multiplied horses to excess, (1 Ki 4:26,) it was soon attended with those fatal consequences that the law foretold: for this wisest of kings having likewise, in violation of another law, married Pharaoh's daughter, (the early fruits of this commerce,) and then, by a repetition of the same crime, but a transgression of another law, had espoused more strange women, (1 Ki 4:26; 11:1,) they first,in defiance of a fourth law, persuaded him to build them idol temples for their use; and afterwards, against a fifth law, brought him to erect other temples for his own."

TIP #25: Tekan Tombol pada halaman Studi Kamus untuk melihat bahan lain berbahasa inggris. [SEMUA]
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