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Kejadian 9:1--11:32

God’s Covenant with Humankind through Noah

9:1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. 9:2 Every living creature of the earth and every bird of the sky will be terrified of you. 1  Everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea are under your authority. 2  9:3 You may eat any moving thing that lives. 3  As I gave you 4  the green plants, I now give 5  you everything.

9:4 But 6  you must not eat meat 7  with its life (that is, 8  its blood) in it. 9  9:5 For your lifeblood 10  I will surely exact punishment, 11  from 12  every living creature I will exact punishment. From each person 13  I will exact punishment for the life of the individual 14  since the man was his relative. 15 

9:6 “Whoever sheds human blood, 16 

by other humans 17 

must his blood be shed;

for in God’s image 18 

God 19  has made humankind.”

9:7 But as for you, 20  be fruitful and multiply; increase abundantly on the earth and multiply on it.”

9:8 God said to Noah and his sons, 21  9:9 “Look! I now confirm 22  my covenant with you and your descendants after you 23  9:10 and with every living creature that is with you, including the birds, the domestic animals, and every living creature of the earth with you, all those that came out of the ark with you – every living creature of the earth. 24  9:11 I confirm 25  my covenant with you: Never again will all living things 26  be wiped out 27  by the waters of a flood; 28  never again will a flood destroy the earth.”

9:12 And God said, “This is the guarantee 29  of the covenant I am making 30  with you 31  and every living creature with you, a covenant 32  for all subsequent 33  generations: 9:13 I will place 34  my rainbow 35  in the clouds, and it will become 36  a guarantee of the covenant between me and the earth. 9:14 Whenever 37  I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 9:15 then I will remember my covenant with you 38  and with all living creatures of all kinds. 39  Never again will the waters become a flood and destroy 40  all living things. 41  9:16 When the rainbow is in the clouds, I will notice it and remember 42  the perpetual covenant between God and all living creatures of all kinds that are on the earth.”

9:17 So God said to Noah, “This is the guarantee of the covenant that I am confirming between me and all living things 43  that are on the earth.”

The Curse of Canaan

9:18 The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (Now Ham was the father of Canaan.) 44  9:19 These were the sons of Noah, and from them the whole earth was populated. 45 

9:20 Noah, a man of the soil, 46  began to plant a vineyard. 47  9:21 When he drank some of the wine, he got drunk and uncovered himself 48  inside his tent. 9:22 Ham, the father of Canaan, 49  saw his father’s nakedness 50  and told his two brothers who were outside. 9:23 Shem and Japheth took the garment 51  and placed it on their shoulders. Then they walked in backwards and covered up their father’s nakedness. Their faces were turned 52  the other way so they did not see their father’s nakedness.

9:24 When Noah awoke from his drunken stupor 53  he learned 54  what his youngest son had done 55  to him. 9:25 So he said,

“Cursed 56  be Canaan! 57 

The lowest of slaves 58 

he will be to his brothers.”

9:26 He also said,

“Worthy of praise is 59  the Lord, the God of Shem!

May Canaan be the slave of Shem! 60 

9:27 May God enlarge Japheth’s territory and numbers! 61 

May he live 62  in the tents of Shem

and may Canaan be his slave!”

9:28 After the flood Noah lived 350 years. 9:29 The entire lifetime of Noah was 950 years, and then he died.

The Table of Nations

10:1 This is the account 63  of Noah’s sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Sons 64  were born 65  to them after the flood.

10:2 The sons of Japheth 66  were Gomer, 67  Magog, 68  Madai, 69  Javan, 70  Tubal, 71  Meshech, 72  and Tiras. 73  10:3 The sons of Gomer were 74  Askenaz, 75  Riphath, 76  and Togarmah. 77  10:4 The sons of Javan were Elishah, 78  Tarshish, 79  the Kittim, 80  and the Dodanim. 81  10:5 From these the coastlands of the nations were separated into their lands, every one according to its language, according to their families, by their nations.

10:6 The sons of Ham were Cush, 82  Mizraim, 83  Put, 84  and Canaan. 85  10:7 The sons of Cush were Seba, 86  Havilah, 87  Sabtah, 88  Raamah, 89  and Sabteca. 90  The sons of Raamah were Sheba 91  and Dedan. 92 

10:8 Cush was the father of 93  Nimrod; he began to be a valiant warrior on the earth. 10:9 He was a mighty hunter 94  before the Lord. 95  (That is why it is said, “Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord.”) 10:10 The primary regions 96  of his kingdom were Babel, 97  Erech, 98  Akkad, 99  and Calneh 100  in the land of Shinar. 101  10:11 From that land he went 102  to Assyria, 103  where he built Nineveh, 104  Rehoboth-Ir, 105  Calah, 106  10:12 and Resen, which is between Nineveh and the great city Calah. 107 

10:13 Mizraim 108  was the father of 109  the Ludites, 110  Anamites, 111  Lehabites, 112  Naphtuhites, 113  10:14 Pathrusites, 114  Casluhites 115  (from whom the Philistines came), 116  and Caphtorites. 117 

10:15 Canaan was the father of 118  Sidon his firstborn, 119  Heth, 120  10:16 the Jebusites, 121  Amorites, 122  Girgashites, 123  10:17 Hivites, 124  Arkites, 125  Sinites, 126  10:18 Arvadites, 127  Zemarites, 128  and Hamathites. 129  Eventually the families of the Canaanites were scattered 10:19 and the borders of Canaan extended 130  from Sidon 131  all the way to 132  Gerar as far as Gaza, and all the way to 133  Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, as far as Lasha. 10:20 These are the sons of Ham, according to their families, according to their languages, by their lands, and by their nations.

10:21 And sons were also born 134  to Shem (the older brother of Japheth), 135  the father of all the sons of Eber.

10:22 The sons of Shem were Elam, 136  Asshur, 137  Arphaxad, 138  Lud, 139  and Aram. 140  10:23 The sons of Aram were Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash. 141  10:24 Arphaxad was the father of 142  Shelah, 143  and Shelah was the father of Eber. 144  10:25 Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg because in his days the earth was divided, 145  and his brother’s name was Joktan. 10:26 Joktan was the father of 146  Almodad, 147  Sheleph, 148  Hazarmaveth, 149  Jerah, 150  10:27 Hadoram, Uzal, 151  Diklah, 152  10:28 Obal, 153  Abimael, 154  Sheba, 155  10:29 Ophir, 156  Havilah, 157  and Jobab. All these were sons of Joktan. 10:30 Their dwelling place was from Mesha all the way to 158  Sephar in the eastern hills. 10:31 These are the sons of Shem according to their families, according to their languages, by their lands, and according to their nations.

10:32 These are the families of the sons of Noah, according to their genealogies, by their nations, and from these the nations spread 159  over the earth after the flood.

The Dispersion of the Nations at Babel

11:1 The whole earth 160  had a common language and a common vocabulary. 161  11:2 When the people 162  moved eastward, 163  they found a plain in Shinar 164  and settled there. 11:3 Then they said to one another, 165  “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” 166  (They had brick instead of stone and tar 167  instead of mortar.) 168  11:4 Then they said, “Come, let’s build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens 169  so that 170  we may make a name for ourselves. Otherwise 171  we will be scattered 172  across the face of the entire earth.”

11:5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the people 173  had started 174  building. 11:6 And the Lord said, “If as one people all sharing a common language 175  they have begun to do this, then 176  nothing they plan to do will be beyond them. 177  11:7 Come, let’s go down and confuse 178  their language so they won’t be able to understand each other.” 179 

11:8 So the Lord scattered them from there across the face of the entire earth, and they stopped building 180  the city. 11:9 That is why its name was called 181  Babel 182  – because there the Lord confused the language of the entire world, and from there the Lord scattered them across the face of the entire earth.

The Genealogy of Shem

11:10 This is the account of Shem.

Shem was 100 old when he became the father of Arphaxad, two years after the flood. 11:11 And after becoming the father of Arphaxad, Shem lived 500 years and had other 183  sons and daughters.

11:12 When Arphaxad had lived 35 years, he became the father of Shelah. 11:13 And after he became the father of Shelah, Arphaxad lived 403 years and had other 184  sons and daughters. 185 

11:14 When Shelah had lived 30 years, he became the father of Eber. 11:15 And after he became the father of Eber, Shelah lived 403 years and had other 186  sons and daughters.

11:16 When Eber had lived 34 years, he became the father of Peleg. 11:17 And after he became the father of Peleg, Eber lived 430 years and had other sons and daughters.

11:18 When Peleg had lived 30 years, he became the father of Reu. 11:19 And after he became the father of Reu, Peleg lived 209 years and had other sons and daughters.

11:20 When Reu had lived 32 years, he became the father of Serug. 11:21 And after he became the father of Serug, Reu lived 207 years and had other sons and daughters.

11:22 When Serug had lived 30 years, he became the father of Nahor. 11:23 And after he became the father of Nahor, Serug lived 200 years and had other sons and daughters.

11:24 When Nahor had lived 29 years, he became the father of Terah. 11:25 And after he became the father of Terah, Nahor lived 119 years and had other sons and daughters.

11:26 When Terah had lived 70 years, he became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran.

The Record of Terah

11:27 This is the account of Terah.

Terah became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran. And Haran became the father of Lot. 11:28 Haran died in the land of his birth, in Ur of the Chaldeans, 187  while his father Terah was still alive. 188  11:29 And Abram and Nahor took wives for themselves. The name of Abram’s wife was Sarai, 189  and the name of Nahor’s wife was Milcah; 190  she was the daughter of Haran, the father of both Milcah and Iscah. 11:30 But Sarai was barren; she had no children.

11:31 Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot (the son of Haran), and his daughter-in-law Sarai, his son Abram’s wife, and with them he set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. When they came to Haran, they settled there. 11:32 The lifetime 191  of Terah was 205 years, and he 192  died in Haran.

Kejadian 8:21-22

8:21 And the Lord smelled the soothing aroma 193  and said 194  to himself, 195  “I will never again curse 196  the ground because of humankind, even though 197  the inclination of their minds 198  is evil from childhood on. 199  I will never again destroy everything that lives, as I have just done.

8:22 “While the earth continues to exist, 200 

planting time 201  and harvest,

cold and heat,

summer and winter,

and day and night will not cease.”

Kejadian 17:13

17:13 They must indeed be circumcised, 202  whether born in your house or bought with money. The sign of my covenant 203  will be visible in your flesh as a permanent 204  reminder.

Kejadian 17:19


17:19 God said, “No, Sarah your wife is going to bear you a son, and you will name him Isaac. 205  I will confirm my covenant with him as a perpetual 206  covenant for his descendants after him.

Kejadian 17:2

17:2 Then I will confirm my covenant 207  between me and you, and I will give you a multitude of descendants.” 208 

1 Samuel 23:5


23:5 So David and his men went to Keilah and fought the Philistines. He took away their cattle and thoroughly defeated them. 209  David delivered the inhabitants of Keilah.

Mazmur 89:3-4


89:3 The Lord said, 210 

“I have made a covenant with my chosen one;

I have made a promise on oath to David, my servant:

89:4 ‘I will give you an eternal dynasty 211 

and establish your throne throughout future generations.’” 212  (Selah)

Yesaya 54:8-10


54:8 In a burst 213  of anger I rejected you 214  momentarily,

but with lasting devotion I will have compassion on you,”

says your protector, 215  the Lord.

54:9 “As far as I am concerned, this is like in Noah’s time, 216 

when I vowed that the waters of Noah’s flood 217  would never again cover the earth.

In the same way I have vowed that I will not be angry at you or shout at you.

54:10 Even if the mountains are removed

and the hills displaced,

my devotion will not be removed from you,

nor will my covenant of friendship 218  be displaced,”

says the Lord, the one who has compassion on you.

Yesaya 55:3


55:3 Pay attention and come to me!

Listen, so you can live! 219 

Then I will make an unconditional covenantal promise to 220  you,

just like the reliable covenantal promises I made to David. 221 

Yeremia 32:40

32:40 I will make a lasting covenant 222  with them that I will never stop doing good to them. 223  I will fill their hearts and minds with respect for me so that 224  they will never again turn 225  away from me.

Ibrani 13:20

Benediction and Conclusion

13:20 Now may the God of peace who by the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead the great shepherd of the sheep, our Lord Jesus Christ,

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[9:2]  1 tn Heb “and fear of you and dread of you will be upon every living creature of the earth and upon every bird of the sky.” The suffixes on the nouns “fear” and “dread” are objective genitives. The animals will fear humans from this time forward.

[9:2]  2 tn Heb “into your hand are given.” The “hand” signifies power. To say the animals have been given into the hands of humans means humans have been given authority over them.

[9:3]  3 tn Heb “every moving thing that lives for you will be for food.”

[9:3]  4 tn The words “I gave you” are not in the Hebrew text, but are supplied in the translation for stylistic reasons.

[9:3]  5 tn The perfect verb form describes the action that accompanies the declaration.

[9:4]  6 tn Heb “only.”

[9:4]  7 tn Or “flesh.”

[9:4]  8 tn Heb “its life, its blood.” The second word is in apposition to the first, explaining what is meant by “its life.” Since the blood is equated with life, meat that had the blood in it was not to be eaten.

[9:4]  9 tn The words “in it” are supplied in the translation for stylistic reasons.

[9:4]  sn You must not eat meat with its life…in it. Because of the carnage produced by the flood, people might conclude that life is cheap and therefore treat it lightly. But God will not permit them to kill or even to eat anything with the lifeblood still in it, serving as a reminder of the sanctity of life.

[9:5]  10 tn Again the text uses apposition to clarify what kind of blood is being discussed: “your blood, [that is] for your life.” See C. L. Dewar, “The Biblical Use of the Term ‘Blood,’” JTS 4 (1953): 204-8.

[9:5]  11 tn The word “punishment” is not in the Hebrew text, but is supplied in the translation for clarification. The verb דָּרָשׁ (darash) means “to require, to seek, to ask for, to exact.” Here it means that God will exact punishment for the taking of a life. See R. Mawdsley, “Capital Punishment in Gen. 9:6,” CentBib 18 (1975): 20-25.

[9:5]  12 tn Heb “from the hand of,” which means “out of the hand of” or “out of the power of” and is nearly identical in sense to the preposition מִן (min) alone.

[9:5]  13 tn Heb “and from the hand of the man.” The article has a generic function, indicating the class, i.e., humankind.

[9:5]  14 tn Heb “of the man.”

[9:5]  15 tn Heb “from the hand of a man, his brother.” The point is that God will require the blood of someone who kills, since the person killed is a relative (“brother”) of the killer. The language reflects Noah’s situation (after the flood everyone would be part of Noah’s extended family), but also supports the concept of the brotherhood of humankind. According to the Genesis account the entire human race descended from Noah.

[9:6]  16 tn Heb “the blood of man.”

[9:6]  17 tn Heb “by man,” a generic term here for other human beings.

[9:6]  18 sn See the notes on the words “humankind” and “likeness” in Gen 1:26, as well as J. Barr, “The Image of God in the Book of Genesis – A Study of Terminology,” BJRL 51 (1968/69): 11-26.

[9:6]  19 tn Heb “he”; the referent (God) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:7]  20 sn The disjunctive clause (conjunction + pronominal subject + verb) here indicates a strong contrast to what has preceded. Against the backdrop of the warnings about taking life, God now instructs the people to produce life, using terms reminiscent of the mandate given to Adam (Gen 1:28).

[9:8]  21 tn Heb “to Noah and to his sons with him, saying.”

[9:9]  22 tn Heb “I, look, I confirm.” The particle הִנְנִי (hinni) used with the participle מֵקִים (meqim) gives the sense of immediacy or imminence, as if to say, “Look! I am now confirming.”

[9:9]  23 tn The three pronominal suffixes (translated “you,” “your,” and “you”) are masculine plural. As v. 8 indicates, Noah and his sons are addressed.

[9:10]  24 tn The verbal repetition is apparently for emphasis.

[9:11]  25 tn The verb וַהֲקִמֹתִי (vahaqimoti) is a perfect with the vav (ו) consecutive and should be translated with the English present tense, just as the participle at the beginning of the speech was (v. 9). Another option is to translate both forms with the English future tense (“I will confirm”).

[9:11]  26 tn Heb “all flesh.”

[9:11]  27 tn Heb “cut off.”

[9:11]  28 tn Heb “and all flesh will not be cut off again by the waters of the flood.”

[9:12]  29 tn Heb “sign.”

[9:12]  30 sn On the making of covenants in Genesis, see W. F. Albright, “The Hebrew Expression for ‘Making a Covenant’ in Pre-Israelite Documents,” BASOR 121 (1951): 21-22.

[9:12]  31 tn Heb “between me and between you.”

[9:12]  32 tn The words “a covenant” are supplied in the translation for clarification.

[9:12]  33 tn The Hebrew term עוֹלָם (’olam) means “ever, forever, lasting, perpetual.” The covenant would extend to subsequent generations.

[9:13]  34 tn The translation assumes that the perfect verbal form is used rhetorically, emphasizing the certainty of the action. Other translation options include “I have placed” (present perfect; cf. NIV, NRSV) and “I place” (instantaneous perfect; cf. NEB).

[9:13]  35 sn The Hebrew word קֶשֶׁת (qeshet) normally refers to a warrior’s bow. Some understand this to mean that God the warrior hangs up his battle bow at the end of the flood, indicating he is now at peace with humankind, but others question the legitimacy of this proposal. See C. Westermann, Genesis, 1:473, and G. J. Wenham, Genesis (WBC), 1:196.

[9:13]  36 tn The perfect verbal form with vav (ו) consecutive here has the same aspectual function as the preceding perfect of certitude.

[9:14]  37 tn The temporal indicator (וְהָיָה, vÿhayah, conjunction + the perfect verb form), often translated “it will be,” anticipates a future development.

[9:15]  38 tn Heb “which [is] between me and between you.”

[9:15]  39 tn Heb “all flesh.”

[9:15]  40 tn Heb “to destroy.”

[9:15]  41 tn Heb “all flesh.”

[9:16]  42 tn The translation assumes that the infinitive לִזְכֹּר (lizkor, “to remember”) here expresses the result of seeing the rainbow. Another option is to understand it as indicating purpose, in which case it could be translated, “I will look at it so that I may remember.”

[9:17]  43 tn Heb “all flesh.”

[9:18]  44 sn The concluding disjunctive clause is parenthetical. It anticipates the following story, which explains that the Canaanites, Ham’s descendants through Canaan, were cursed because they shared the same moral abandonment that their ancestor displayed. See A. van Selms, “The Canaanites in the Book of Genesis,” OTS 12 (1958): 182-213.

[9:19]  45 tn Heb “was scattered.” The verb פָּצָה (patsah, “to scatter” [Niphal, “to be scattered”]) figures prominently in story of the dispersion of humankind in chap. 11.

[9:20]  46 sn The epithet a man of the soil indicates that Noah was a farmer.

[9:20]  47 tn Or “Noah, a man of the soil, was the first to plant a vineyard”; Heb “and Noah, a man of the ground, began and he planted a vineyard.”

[9:21]  48 tn The Hebrew verb גָּלָה (galah) in the Hitpael verbal stem (וַיִּתְגַּל, vayyitggal) means “to uncover oneself” or “to be uncovered.” Noah became overheated because of the wine and uncovered himself in the tent.

[9:22]  49 sn For the second time (see v. 18) the text informs the reader of the relationship between Ham and Canaan. Genesis 10 will explain that Canaan was the ancestor of the Canaanite tribes living in the promised land.

[9:22]  50 tn Some would translate “had sexual relations with,” arguing that Ham committed a homosexual act with his drunken father for which he was cursed. However, the expression “see nakedness” usually refers to observation of another’s nakedness, not a sexual act (see Gen 42:9, 12 where “nakedness” is used metaphorically to convey the idea of “weakness” or “vulnerability”; Deut 23:14 where “nakedness” refers to excrement; Isa 47:3; Ezek 16:37; Lam 1:8). The following verse (v. 23) clearly indicates that visual observation, not a homosexual act, is in view here. In Lev 20:17 the expression “see nakedness” does appear to be a euphemism for sexual intercourse, but the context there, unlike that of Gen 9:22, clearly indicates that in that passage sexual contact is in view. The expression “see nakedness” does not in itself suggest a sexual connotation. Some relate Gen 9:22 to Lev 18:6-11, 15-19, where the expression “uncover [another’s] nakedness” (the Piel form of גָּלָה, galah) refers euphemistically to sexual intercourse. However, Gen 9:22 does not say Ham “uncovered” the nakedness of his father. According to the text, Noah uncovered himself; Ham merely saw his father naked. The point of the text is that Ham had no respect for his father. Rather than covering his father up, he told his brothers. Noah then gave an oracle that Ham’s descendants, who would be characterized by the same moral abandonment, would be cursed. Leviticus 18 describes that greater evil of the Canaanites (see vv. 24-28).

[9:22]  sn Saw the nakedness. It is hard for modern people to appreciate why seeing another’s nakedness was such an abomination, because nakedness is so prevalent today. In the ancient world, especially in a patriarchal society, seeing another’s nakedness was a major offense. (See the account in Herodotus, Histories 1.8-13, where a general saw the nakedness of his master’s wife, and one of the two had to be put to death.) Besides, Ham was not a little boy wandering into his father’s bedroom; he was over a hundred years old by this time. For fuller discussion see A. P. Ross, “The Curse of Canaan,” BSac 137 (1980): 223-40.

[9:23]  51 tn The word translated “garment” has the Hebrew definite article on it. The article may simply indicate that the garment is definite and vivid in the mind of the narrator, but it could refer instead to Noah’s garment. Did Ham bring it out when he told his brothers?

[9:23]  52 tn Heb “their faces [were turned] back.”

[9:24]  53 tn Heb “his wine,” used here by metonymy for the drunken stupor it produced.

[9:24]  54 tn Heb “he knew.”

[9:24]  55 tn The Hebrew verb עָשָׂה (’asah, “to do”) carries too general a sense to draw the conclusion that Ham had to have done more than look on his father’s nakedness and tell his brothers.

[9:25]  56 sn For more on the curse, see H. C. Brichto, The Problem ofCursein the Hebrew Bible (JBLMS), and J. Scharbert, TDOT 1:405-18.

[9:25]  57 sn Cursed be Canaan. The curse is pronounced on Canaan, not Ham. Noah sees a problem in Ham’s character, and on the basis of that he delivers a prophecy about the future descendants who will live in slavery to such things and then be controlled by others. (For more on the idea of slavery in general, see E. M. Yamauchi, “Slaves of God,” BETS 9 [1966]: 31-49). In a similar way Jacob pronounced oracles about his sons based on their revealed character (see Gen 49).

[9:25]  58 tn Heb “a servant of servants” (עֶבֶד עֲבָדִים, ’evedavadim), an example of the superlative genitive. It means Canaan will become the most abject of slaves.

[9:26]  59 tn Heb “blessed be.”

[9:26]  60 tn Heb “a slave to him”; the referent (Shem) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:27]  61 tn Heb “may God enlarge Japheth.” The words “territory and numbers” are supplied in the translation for clarity.

[9:27]  sn There is a wordplay (paronomasia) on the name Japheth. The verb יַפְתְּ (yaft, “may he enlarge”) sounds like the name יֶפֶת (yefet, “Japheth”). The name itself suggested the idea. The blessing for Japheth extends beyond the son to the descendants. Their numbers and their territories will be enlarged, so much so that they will share in Shem’s territories. Again, in this oracle, Noah is looking beyond his immediate family to future generations. For a helpful study of this passage and the next chapter, see T. O. Figart, A Biblical Perspective on the Race Problem, 55-58.

[9:27]  62 tn In this context the prefixed verbal form is a jussive (note the distinct jussive forms both before and after this in vv. 26 and 27).

[10:1]  63 tn The title אֵלֶּה תּוֹלְדֹת (’elle tolÿdot, here translated as “This is the account”) here covers 10:111:9, which contains the so-called Table of Nations and the account of how the nations came to be dispersed.

[10:1]  64 sn Sons were born to them. A vertical genealogy such as this encompasses more than the names of sons. The list includes cities, tribes, and even nations. In a loose way, the names in the list have some derivation or connection to the three ancestors.

[10:1]  65 tn It appears that the Table of Nations is a composite of at least two ancient sources: Some sections begin with the phrase “the sons of” (בְּנֵי, bÿne) while other sections use “begot” (יָלָד, yalad). It may very well be that the “sons of” list was an old, “bare bones” list that was retained in the family records, while the “begot” sections were editorial inserts by the writer of Genesis, reflecting his special interests. See A. P. Ross, “The Table of Nations in Genesis 10 – Its Structure,” BSac 137 (1980): 340-53; idem, “The Table of Nations in Genesis 10 – Its Content,” BSac 138 (1981): 22-34.

[10:2]  66 sn The Greek form of the name Japheth, Iapetos, is used in Greek tradition for the ancestor of the Greeks.

[10:2]  67 sn Gomer was the ancestor of the Cimmerians. For a discussion of the Cimmerians see E. M. Yamauchi, Foes from the Northern Frontier (SBA), 49-61.

[10:2]  68 sn For a discussion of various proposals concerning the descendants of Magog see E. M. Yamauchi, Foes from the Northern Frontier (SBA), 22-24.

[10:2]  69 sn Madai was the ancestor of the Medes, who lived east of Assyria.

[10:2]  70 sn Javan was the father of the Hellenic race, the Ionians who lived in western Asia Minor.

[10:2]  71 sn Tubal was the ancestor of militaristic tribes that lived north of the Black Sea. For a discussion of ancient references to Tubal see E. M. Yamauchi, Foes from the Northern Frontier (SBA), 24-26.

[10:2]  72 sn Meshech was the ancestor of the people known in Assyrian records as the Musku. For a discussion of ancient references to them see E. M. Yamauchi, Foes from the Northern Frontier (SBA), 24-26.

[10:2]  73 sn Tiras was the ancestor of the Thracians, some of whom possibly became the Pelasgian pirates of the Aegean.

[10:3]  74 sn The descendants of Gomer were all northern tribes of the Upper Euphrates.

[10:3]  75 sn Askenaz was the ancestor of a northern branch of Indo-Germanic tribes, possibly Scythians. For discussion see E. M. Yamauchi, Foes from the Northern Frontier (SBA), 63.

[10:3]  76 sn The descendants of Riphath lived in a district north of the road from Haran to Carchemish.

[10:3]  77 sn Togarmah is also mentioned in Ezek 38:6, where it refers to Til-garimmu, the capital of Kammanu, which bordered Tabal in eastern Turkey. See E. M. Yamauchi, Foes from the Northern Frontier (SBA), 26, n. 28.

[10:4]  78 sn The descendants of Elishah populated Cyprus.

[10:4]  79 sn The descendants of Tarshish settled along the southern coast of what is modern Turkey. However, some identify the site Tarshish (see Jonah 1:3) with Sardinia or Spain.

[10:4]  80 sn The name Kittim is associated with Cyprus, as well as coastlands east of Rhodes. It is used in later texts to refer to the Romans.

[10:4]  81 tc Most of the MT mss read “Dodanim” here, but 1 Chr 1:7 has “Rodanim,” perhaps referring to the island of Rhodes. But the Qere reading in 1 Chr 1:7 suggests “Dodanim.” Dodona is one of the most ancient and revered spots in ancient Greece.

[10:6]  82 sn The descendants of Cush settled in Nubia (Ethiopia).

[10:6]  83 sn The descendants of Mizraim settled in Upper and Lower Egypt.

[10:6]  84 sn The descendants of Put settled in Libya.

[10:6]  85 sn The descendants of Canaan lived in the region of Phoenicia (Palestine).

[10:7]  86 sn The descendants of Seba settled in Upper Egypt along the Nile.

[10:7]  87 sn The Hebrew name Havilah apparently means “stretch of sand” (see HALOT 297 s.v. חֲוִילָה). Havilah’s descendants settled in eastern Arabia.

[10:7]  88 sn The descendants of Sabtah settled near the western shore of the Persian Gulf in ancient Hadhramaut.

[10:7]  89 sn The descendants of Raamah settled in southwest Arabia.

[10:7]  90 sn The descendants of Sabteca settled in Samudake, east toward the Persian Gulf.

[10:7]  91 sn Sheba became the name of a kingdom in southwest Arabia.

[10:7]  92 sn The name Dedan is associated with àUla in northern Arabia.

[10:8]  93 tn Heb “fathered.” Embedded within Cush’s genealogy is an account of Nimrod, a mighty warrior. There have been many attempts to identify him, but none are convincing.

[10:9]  94 tn The Hebrew word for “hunt” is צַיִד (tsayid), which is used on occasion for hunting men (1 Sam 24:12; Jer 16:16; Lam 3:15).

[10:9]  95 tn Another option is to take the divine name here, לִפְנֵי יִהוָה (lifne yÿhvah, “before the Lord [YHWH]”), as a means of expressing the superlative degree. In this case one may translate “Nimrod was the greatest hunter in the world.”

[10:10]  96 tn Heb “beginning.” E. A. Speiser, Genesis (AB), 67, suggests “mainstays,” citing Jer 49:35 as another text where the Hebrew noun is so used.

[10:10]  97 tn Or “Babylon.”

[10:10]  98 sn Erech (ancient Uruk, modern Warka), one of the most ancient civilizations, was located southeast of Babylon.

[10:10]  99 sn Akkad, or ancient Agade, was associated with Sargon and located north of Babylon.

[10:10]  100 tn No such place is known in Shinar (i.e., Babylonia). Therefore some have translated the Hebrew term כַלְנֵה (khalneh) as “all of them,” referring to the three previous names (cf. NRSV).

[10:10]  101 sn Shinar is another name for Babylonia.

[10:11]  102 tn The subject of the verb translated “went” is probably still Nimrod. However, it has also been interpreted that “Ashur went,” referring to a derivative power.

[10:11]  103 tn Heb “Asshur.”

[10:11]  104 sn Nineveh was an ancient Assyrian city situated on the Tigris River.

[10:11]  105 sn The name Rehoboth-Ir means “and broad streets of a city,” perhaps referring to a suburb of Nineveh.

[10:11]  106 sn Calah (modern Nimrud) was located twenty miles north of Nineveh.

[10:12]  107 tn Heb “and Resen between Nineveh and Calah; it [i.e., Calah] is the great city.”

[10:13]  108 sn Mizraim is the Hebrew name for Egypt (cf. NRSV).

[10:13]  109 tn Heb “fathered.”

[10:13]  110 sn The Ludites were African tribes west of the Nile Delta.

[10:13]  111 sn The Anamites lived in North Africa, west of Egypt, near Cyrene.

[10:13]  112 sn The Lehabites are identified with the Libyans.

[10:13]  113 sn The Naphtuhites lived in Lower Egypt (the Nile Delta region).

[10:14]  114 sn The Pathrusites are known in Egyptian as P-to-reshi; they resided in Upper Egypt.

[10:14]  115 sn The Casluhites lived in Crete and eventually settled east of the Egyptian Delta, between Egypt and Canaan.

[10:14]  116 tn Several commentators prefer to reverse the order of the words to put this clause after the next word, since the Philistines came from Crete (where the Caphtorites lived). But the table may suggest migration rather than lineage, and the Philistines, like the Israelites, came through the Nile Delta region of Egypt. For further discussion of the origin and migration of the Philistines, see D. M. Howard, “Philistines,” Peoples of the Old Testament World, 232.

[10:14]  117 sn The Caphtorites resided in Crete, but in Egyptian literature Caphtor refers to “the region beyond” the Mediterranean.

[10:15]  118 tn Heb “fathered.”

[10:15]  119 sn Sidon was the foremost city in Phoenicia; here Sidon may be the name of its founder.

[10:15]  120 tn Some see a reference to “Hittites” here (cf. NIV), but this seems unlikely. See the note on the phrase “sons of Heth” in Gen 23:3.

[10:16]  121 sn The Jebusites were the Canaanite inhabitants of ancient Jerusalem.

[10:16]  122 sn Here Amorites refers to smaller groups of Canaanite inhabitants of the mountainous regions of Palestine, rather than the large waves of Amurru, or western Semites, who migrated to the region.

[10:16]  123 sn The Girgashites are an otherwise unknown Canaanite tribe, though the name is possibly mentioned in Ugaritic texts (see G. J. Wenham, Genesis [WBC], 1:226).

[10:17]  124 sn The Hivites were Canaanite tribes of a Hurrian origin.

[10:17]  125 sn The Arkites lived in Arka, a city in Lebanon, north of Sidon.

[10:17]  126 sn The Sinites lived in Sin, another town in Lebanon.

[10:18]  127 sn The Arvadites lived in the city Arvad, located on an island near the mainland close to the river El Kebir.

[10:18]  128 sn The Zemarites lived in the town Sumur, north of Arka.

[10:18]  129 sn The Hamathites lived in Hamath on the Orontes River.

[10:19]  130 tn Heb “were.”

[10:19]  131 map For location see Map1 A1; JP3 F3; JP4 F3.

[10:19]  132 tn Heb “as you go.”

[10:19]  133 tn Heb “as you go.”

[10:21]  134 tn Heb “And to Shem was born.”

[10:21]  135 tn Or “whose older brother was Japheth.” Some translations render Japheth as the older brother, understanding the adjective הַגָּדוֹל (haggadol, “older”) as modifying Japheth. However, in Hebrew when a masculine singular definite attributive adjective follows the sequence masculine singular construct noun + proper name, the adjective invariably modifies the noun in construct, not the proper name. Such is the case here. See Deut 11:7; Judg 1:13; 2:7; 3:9; 9:5; 2 Kgs 15:35; 2 Chr 27:3; Neh 3:30; Jer 13:9; 36:10; Ezek 10:19; 11:1.

[10:22]  136 sn The Hebrew name Elam (עֵילָם, ’elam) means “highland.” The Elamites were a non-Semitic people who lived east of Babylon.

[10:22]  137 sn Asshur is the name for the Assyrians. Asshur was the region in which Nimrod expanded his power (see v. 11, where the name is also mentioned). When names appear in both sections of a genealogical list, it probably means that there were both Hamites and Shemites living in that region in antiquity, especially if the name is a place name.

[10:22]  138 sn The descendants of Arphaxad may have lived northeast of Nineveh.

[10:22]  139 sn Lud may have been the ancestor of the Ludbu, who lived near the Tigris River.

[10:22]  140 sn Aram became the collective name of the northern tribes living in the steppes of Mesopotamia and speaking Aramaic dialects.

[10:23]  141 tc The MT reads “Mash”; the LXX and 1 Chr 1:17 read “Meshech.”

[10:23]  sn Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash. Little is known about these descendants of Aram.

[10:24]  142 tn Heb “fathered.”

[10:24]  143 tc The MT reads “Arphaxad fathered Shelah”; the LXX reads “Arphaxad fathered Cainan, and Cainan fathered Sala [= Shelah].” The LXX reading also appears to lie behind Luke 3:35-36.

[10:24]  144 sn Genesis 11 traces the line of Shem through Eber (עֵבֶר, ’ever ) to Abraham the “Hebrew” (עִבְרִי, ’ivri).

[10:25]  145 tn The expression “the earth was divided” may refer to dividing the land with canals, but more likely it anticipates the division of languages at Babel (Gen 11). The verb פָּלָג (palag, “separate, divide”) is used in Ps 55:9 for a division of languages.

[10:26]  146 tn Heb “fathered.”

[10:26]  147 sn The name Almodad combines the Arabic article al with modad (“friend”). Almodad was the ancestor of a South Arabian people.

[10:26]  148 sn The name Sheleph may be related to Shilph, a district of Yemen; Shalph is a Yemenite tribe.

[10:26]  149 sn The name Hazarmaveth should be equated with Hadramawt, located in Southern Arabia.

[10:26]  150 sn The name Jerah means “moon.”

[10:27]  151 sn Uzal was the name of the old capital of Yemen.

[10:27]  152 sn The name Diklah means “date-palm.”

[10:28]  153 sn Obal was a name used for several localities in Yemen.

[10:28]  154 sn The name Abimael is a genuine Sabean form which means “my father, truly, he is God.”

[10:28]  155 sn The descendants of Sheba lived in South Arabia, where the Joktanites were more powerful than the Hamites.

[10:29]  156 sn Ophir became the name of a territory in South Arabia. Many of the references to Ophir are connected with gold (e.g., 1 Kgs 9:28, 10:11, 22:48; 1 Chr 29:4; 2 Chr 8:18, 9:10; Job 22:24, 28:16; Ps 45:9; Isa 13:12).

[10:29]  157 sn Havilah is listed with Ham in v. 7.

[10:30]  158 tn Heb “as you go.”

[10:32]  159 tn Or “separated.”

[11:1]  160 sn The whole earth. Here “earth” is a metonymy of subject, referring to the people who lived in the earth. Genesis 11 begins with everyone speaking a common language, but chap. 10 has the nations arranged by languages. It is part of the narrative art of Genesis to give the explanation of the event after the narration of the event. On this passage see A. P. Ross, “The Dispersion of the Nations in Genesis 11:1-9,” BSac 138 (1981): 119-38.

[11:1]  161 tn Heb “one lip and one [set of] words.” The term “lip” is a metonymy of cause, putting the instrument for the intended effect. They had one language. The term “words” refers to the content of their speech. They had the same vocabulary.

[11:2]  162 tn Heb “they”; the referent (the people) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[11:2]  163 tn Or perhaps “from the east” (NRSV) or “in the east.”

[11:2]  164 tn Heb “in the land of Shinar.”

[11:2]  sn Shinar is the region of Babylonia.

[11:3]  165 tn Heb “a man to his neighbor.” The Hebrew idiom may be translated “to each other” or “one to another.”

[11:3]  166 tn The speech contains two cohortatives of exhortation followed by their respective cognate accusatives: “let us brick bricks” (נִלְבְּנָה לְבֵנִים, nilbbÿnah lÿvenim) and “burn for burning” (נִשְׂרְפָה לִשְׂרֵפָה, nisrÿfah lisrefah). This stresses the intensity of the undertaking; it also reflects the Akkadian text which uses similar constructions (see E. A. Speiser, Genesis [AB], 75-76).

[11:3]  167 tn Or “bitumen” (cf. NEB, NRSV).

[11:3]  168 tn The disjunctive clause gives information parenthetical to the narrative.

[11:4]  169 tn A translation of “heavens” for שָׁמַיִם (shamayim) fits this context because the Babylonian ziggurats had temples at the top, suggesting they reached to the heavens, the dwelling place of the gods.

[11:4]  170 tn The form וְנַעֲשֶׂה (vÿnaaseh, from the verb עשׂה, “do, make”) could be either the imperfect or the cohortative with a vav (ו) conjunction (“and let us make…”). Coming after the previous cohortative, this form expresses purpose.

[11:4]  171 tn The Hebrew particle פֶּן (pen) expresses a negative purpose; it means “that we be not scattered.”

[11:4]  172 sn The Hebrew verb פָּוָץ (pavats, translated “scatter”) is a key term in this passage. The focal point of the account is the dispersion (“scattering”) of the nations rather than the Tower of Babel. But the passage also forms a polemic against Babylon, the pride of the east and a cosmopolitan center with a huge ziggurat. To the Hebrews it was a monument to the judgment of God on pride.

[11:5]  173 tn Heb “the sons of man.” The phrase is intended in this polemic to portray the builders as mere mortals, not the lesser deities that the Babylonians claimed built the city.

[11:5]  174 tn The Hebrew text simply has בָּנוּ (banu), but since v. 8 says they left off building the city, an ingressive idea (“had started building”) should be understood here.

[11:6]  175 tn Heb “and one lip to all of them.”

[11:6]  176 tn Heb “and now.” The foundational clause beginning with הֵן (hen) expresses the condition, and the second clause the result. It could be rendered “If this…then now.”

[11:6]  177 tn Heb “all that they purpose to do will not be withheld from them.”

[11:7]  178 tn The cohortatives mirror the cohortatives of the people. They build to ascend the heavens; God comes down to destroy their language. God speaks here to his angelic assembly. See the notes on the word “make” in 1:26 and “know” in 3:5, as well as Jub. 10:22-23, where an angel recounts this incident and says “And the Lord our God said to us…. And the Lord went down and we went down with him. And we saw the city and the tower which the sons of men built.” On the chiastic structure of the story, see G. J. Wenham, Genesis (WBC), 1:235.

[11:7]  179 tn Heb “they will not hear, a man the lip of his neighbor.”

[11:8]  180 tn The infinitive construct לִבְנֹת (livnot, “building”) here serves as the object of the verb “they ceased, stopped,” answering the question of what they stopped doing.

[11:9]  181 tn The verb has no expressed subject and so can be rendered as a passive in the translation.

[11:9]  182 sn Babel. Here is the climax of the account, a parody on the pride of Babylon. In the Babylonian literature the name bab-ili meant “the gate of God,” but in Hebrew it sounds like the word for “confusion,” and so retained that connotation. The name “Babel” (בָּבֶל, bavel) and the verb translated “confused” (בָּלַל, balal) form a paronomasia (sound play). For the many wordplays and other rhetorical devices in Genesis, see J. P. Fokkelman, Narrative Art in Genesis (SSN).

[11:11]  183 tn The word “other” is not in the Hebrew text, but is supplied for stylistic reasons.

[11:13]  184 tn The word “other” is not in the Hebrew text, but is supplied for stylistic reasons.

[11:13]  185 tc The reading of the MT is followed in vv. 11-12; the LXX reads, “And [= when] Arphaxad had lived thirty-five years, [and] he fathered [= became the father of] Cainan. And after he fathered [= became the father of] Cainan, Arphaxad lived four hundred and thirty years and fathered [= had] [other] sons and daughters, and [then] he died. And [= when] Cainan had lived one hundred and thirty years, [and] he fathered [= became the father of] Sala [= Shelah]. And after he fathered [= became the father of] Sala [= Shelah], Cainan lived three hundred and thirty years and fathered [= had] [other] sons and daughters, and [then] he died.” See also the note on “Shelah” in Gen 10:24; the LXX reading also appears to lie behind Luke 3:35-36.

[11:15]  186 tn Here and in vv. 16, 19, 21, 23, 25 the word “other” is not in the Hebrew text, but is supplied for stylistic reasons.

[11:28]  187 sn The phrase of the Chaldeans is a later editorial clarification for the readers, designating the location of Ur. From all evidence there would have been no Chaldeans in existence at this early date; they are known in the time of the neo-Babylonian empire in the first millennium b.c.

[11:28]  188 tn Heb “upon the face of Terah his father.”

[11:29]  189 sn The name Sarai (a variant spelling of “Sarah”) means “princess” (or “lady”). Sharratu was the name of the wife of the moon god Sin. The original name may reflect the culture out of which the patriarch was called, for the family did worship other gods in Mesopotamia.

[11:29]  190 sn The name Milcah means “Queen.” But more to the point here is the fact that Malkatu was a title for Ishtar, the daughter of the moon god. If the women were named after such titles (and there is no evidence that this was the motivation for naming the girls “Princess” or “Queen”), that would not necessarily imply anything about the faith of the two women themselves.

[11:32]  191 tn Heb “And the days of Terah were.”

[11:32]  192 tn Heb “Terah”; the pronoun has been substituted for the proper name in the translation for stylistic reasons.

[8:21]  193 tn The Lord “smelled” (וַיָּרַח, vayyarakh) a “soothing smell” (רֵיחַ הַנִּיהֹחַ, reakh hannihoakh). The object forms a cognate accusative with the verb. The language is anthropomorphic. The offering had a sweet aroma that pleased or soothed. The expression in Lev 1 signifies that God accepts the offering with pleasure, and in accepting the offering he accepts the worshiper.

[8:21]  194 tn Heb “and the Lord said.”

[8:21]  195 tn Heb “in his heart.”

[8:21]  196 tn Here the Hebrew word translated “curse” is קָלָל (qalal), used in the Piel verbal stem.

[8:21]  197 tn The Hebrew particle כִּי (ki) can be used in a concessive sense (see BDB 473 s.v. כִּי), which makes good sense in this context. Its normal causal sense (“for”) does not fit the context here very well.

[8:21]  198 tn Heb “the inclination of the heart of humankind.”

[8:21]  199 tn Heb “from his youth.”

[8:22]  200 tn Heb “yet all the days of the earth.” The idea is “[while there are] yet all the days of the earth,” meaning, “as long as the earth exists.”

[8:22]  201 tn Heb “seed,” which stands here by metonymy for the time when seed is planted.

[17:13]  202 tn The emphatic construction employs the Niphal imperfect tense (collective singular) and the Niphal infinitive.

[17:13]  203 tn Heb “my covenant.” Here in v. 13 the Hebrew word בְּרִית (bÿrit) refers to the outward, visible sign, or reminder, of the covenant. For the range of meaning of the term, see the note on the word “requirement” in v. 9.

[17:13]  204 tn Or “an eternal.”

[17:19]  205 tn Heb “will call his name Isaac.” The name means “he laughs,” or perhaps “may he laugh” (see the note on the word “laughed” in v. 17).

[17:19]  206 tn Or “as an eternal.”

[17:2]  207 tn Following the imperative, the cohortative indicates consequence. If Abram is blameless, then the Lord will ratify the covenant. Earlier the Lord ratified part of his promise to Abram (see Gen 15:18-21), guaranteeing him that his descendants would live in the land. But the expanded form of the promise, which includes numerous descendants and eternal possession of the land, remains to be ratified. This expanded form of the promise is in view here (see vv. 2b, 4-8). See the note at Gen 15:18 and R. B. Chisholm, “Evidence from Genesis,” A Case for Premillennialism, 35-54.

[17:2]  208 tn Heb “I will multiply you exceedingly, exceedingly.” The repetition is emphatic.

[23:5]  209 tn Heb “and struck them down with a great blow.”

[89:3]  210 tn The words “the Lord said” are supplied in the translation for clarification. It is clear that the words of vv. 3-4 are spoken by the Lord, in contrast to vv. 1-2, which are spoken by the psalmist.

[89:4]  211 tn Heb “forever I will establish your offspring.”

[89:4]  212 tn Heb “and I will build to a generation and a generation your throne.”

[54:8]  213 tn According to BDB 1009 s.v. שֶׁטֶף the noun שֶׁצֶף here is an alternate form of שֶׁטֶף (shetef, “flood”). Some relate the word to an alleged Akkadian cognate meaning “strength.”

[54:8]  214 tn Heb “I hid my face from you.”

[54:8]  215 tn Or “redeemer.” See the note at 41:14.

[54:9]  216 tc The Hebrew text reads literally, “For [or “indeed”] the waters of Noah [is] this to me.” כִּי־מֵי (ki-me, “for the waters of”) should be emended to כְּמֵי (kÿmey, “like the days of”), which is supported by the Qumran scroll 1QIsaa and all the ancient versions except LXX.

[54:9]  217 tn Heb “the waters of Noah” (so NAB, NIV, NRSV).

[54:10]  218 tn Heb “peace” (so many English versions); NLT “of blessing.”

[55:3]  219 tn The jussive with vav (ו) conjunctive following the imperative indicates purpose/result.

[55:3]  sn To live here refers to covenantal blessing, primarily material prosperity and national security (see vv. 4-5, 13, and Deut 30:6, 15, 19-20).

[55:3]  220 tn Or “an eternal covenant with.”

[55:3]  221 tn Heb “the reliable expressions of loyalty of David.” The syntactical relationship of חַסְדֵי (khasde, “expressions of loyalty”) to the preceding line is unclear. If the term is appositional to בְּרִית (bÿrit, “covenant”), then the Lord here transfers the promises of the Davidic covenant to the entire nation. Another option is to take חַסְדֵי (khasde) as an adverbial accusative and to translate “according to the reliable covenantal promises.” In this case the new covenantal arrangement proposed here is viewed as an extension or perhaps fulfillment of the Davidic promises. A third option, the one reflected in the above translation, is to take the last line as comparative. In this case the new covenant being proposed is analogous to the Davidic covenant. Verses 4-5, which compare David’s international prominence to what Israel will experience, favors this view. In all three of these interpretations, “David” is an objective genitive; he is the recipient of covenantal promises. A fourth option would be to take David as a subjective genitive and understand the line as giving the basis for the preceding promise: “Then I will make an unconditional covenantal promise to you, because of David’s faithful acts of covenantal loyalty.”

[32:40]  222 tn Heb “an everlasting covenant.” For the rationale for the rendering “agreement” and the nature of the biblical covenants see the study note on 11:2.

[32:40]  sn For other references to the lasting (or everlasting) nature of the new covenant see Isa 55:3; 61:8; Jer 50:5; Ezek 16:60; 37:26. The new covenant appears to be similar to the ancient Near Eastern covenants of grants whereby a great king gave a loyal vassal a grant of land or dynastic dominion over a realm in perpetuity in recognition of past loyalty. The right to such was perpetual as long as the great king exercised dominion, but the actual enjoyment could be forfeited by individual members of the vassal’s dynasty. The best example of such an covenant in the OT is the Davidic covenant where the dynasty was given perpetual right to rule over Israel. Individual kings might be disciplined and their right to enjoy dominion taken away, but the dynasty still maintained the right to rule (see 2 Sam 23:5; Ps 89:26-37 and note especially 1 Kgs 11:23-39). The new covenant appears to be the renewal of God’s promise to Abraham to always be the God of his descendants and for his descendants to be his special people (Gen 17:7) something they appear to have forfeited by their disobedience (see Hos 1:9). However, under the new covenant he promises to never stop doing them good and grants them a new heart, a new spirit, the infusion of his own spirit, and the love and reverence necessary to keep from turning away from him. The new covenant is not based on their past loyalty but on his gracious forgiveness and his gifts.

[32:40]  223 tn Or “stop being gracious to them” or “stop blessing them with good”; Heb “turn back from them to do good to them.”

[32:40]  224 tn Or “I will make them want to fear and respect me so much that”; Heb “I will put the fear of me in their hearts.” However, as has been noted several times, “heart” in Hebrew is more the center of the volition (and intellect) than the center of emotions as it is in English. Both translations are intended to reflect the difference in psychology.

[32:40]  225 tn The words “never again” are not in the text but are implicit from the context and are supplied not only by this translation but by a number of others.

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