TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Bilangan 31:25-54

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Judul : Pembagian rampasan

Perikop : Bil 31:25-54


diangkut(TB)/rampasan(TL) <07628> [that was taken. Heb. of the captivity.]


telah diangkut,

Bil 31:11,12; [Lihat FULL. Bil 31:11]; [Lihat FULL. Bil 31:12] [Semua]

berupa manusia

Bil 1:19; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:19]

kepala-kepala puak

Bil 1:4; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:4]


bagi dualah(TB)/kaubahagi dua(TL) <02673> [two parts.]


bagi dualah

Yos 22:8; 1Sam 25:13; 30:24 [Semua]


mengkhususkan(TB)/memungut(TL) <07311> [levy.]

satu(TB/TL) <0259 05315> [one soul.]


bagi Tuhan

Bil 31:37-41; Bil 18:21; [Lihat FULL. Bil 18:21] [Semua]


persembahan khusus(TB)/persembahan tatangan(TL) <08641> [an heave.]


lain ..... satu ambilan(TB)/satu(TL) <0259 0270> [one portion.]

kambing(TB)/domba(TL) <06629> [flocks, or, goats. and give.]

pengawalan ........ memelihara(TB)/melakukan(TL) <08104 04931> [keep the.]


Kemah Suci

Bil 3:7; 18:3 [Semua]


rampasan(TB) <04455> [the booty.]

It appears from the enumeration here, that the Israelites, in this war with the Midianites, took 32,000 female prisoners, 61,000 asses, 72,000 beeves, and 675,000 sheep and small cattle; besides the immense number of males who fell in battle, and the women and children who were slain by the divine command. (ver. 17.) This booty was divided into equal parts, by which partition a far larger share was justly given to the warriors employed on the expedition, who were only 12,000, than to those, who being equally willing to go, were ordered to stay in the camp. Each party was to give a certain proportion to Jehovah, as their sovereign, in grateful acknowledgement that to him they owed their success. The soldiers to give to the Lord one out of every five hundred persons, beeves, asses, and sheep, (ver. 28,) and the people, who by staying at home risked nothing, and had no fatigue, were to give one out of fifty of each of the above to the Levites, who were far more numerous than the priests. (ver. 30.) The booty, its division among the soldiers and people, and the proportion given by each to the Lord and to the Levites, will be seen at one view by the following table:-- Sheep . . . . 675,000 To soldiers . . . 337,500 To God. . . . . . 675 To people . . . . 337,500 To Levites. . . . 6,750 Beeves. . . . 72,000 To soldiers . . . 36,000 To God. . . . . . 72 To people . . . . 36,000 To Levites. . . . 720 Asses . . . . 61,000 To soldiers . . . 30,500 To God. . . . . . 61 To people . . . . 30,500 To Levites. . . . 610 Persons . . . 32,000 To soldiers . . . 16,000 To God. . . . . . 32 To people . . . . 16,000 To Levites. . . . 320 It does not appear that a single ox, sheep, or ass, was required by Moses as his portion; or that there was any given to him by the people; and though he had a family as well as others, yet no provision was made for them above the common lot of Levites!


Adapun rampasan,

Bil 31:12; [Lihat FULL. Bil 31:12]


bagi Tuhan

Bil 31:38-41 [Semua]


Eleazar(TB)/Eliazar(TL) <0499> [Eleazar.]


yang dikhususkan

Bil 5:9; 18:8 [Semua]

kepada Musa.

Bil 31:21,28 [Semua]


Lewi(TB/TL) <03881> [the Levites.]

pengawalan ........ memelihara(TB)/melakukan pengawalan(TL) <04931 08104> [kept the charge.]


pemimpin tentara,

Bil 31:14; [Lihat FULL. Bil 31:14]


di bawah kuasa(TB)/di bawah perintah(TL) <03027> [charge. Heb. hand. lacketh.]


telah menghitung

Bil 1:19; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:19]

yang hilang

Yer 23:4


mempersembahkan(TB)/membawa(TL) <07126> [therefore brought.]

The officers of the army having mustered their men, found they had not lost a man in the contest with Midian! Penetrated with gratitude for this most remarkable interposition of Providence in their favour, they now offer to Jehovah the golden jewels which they had found among the spoil, to the amount of 16,750 shekels, equal to Å“37,869 16s. 5d. of our money.

persembahan(TB/TL) <07133> [an oblation.]

didapat(TB)/dapat(TL) <04672> [gotten. Heb. found. an atonement.]


nyawa kami

Kel 30:16; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:16]



persembahan khusus(TB)/persembahan tatangan(TL) <08641> [offering. Heb. heave-offering.]



mengambil jarahan

Kej 34:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 34:29]; Ul 20:14 [Semua]


peringatan(TB/TL) <02146> [a memorial.]


Kemah Pertemuan

Kel 27:21; [Lihat FULL. Kel 27:21]; Kel 40:2 [Semua]

sebagai peringatan

Kel 28:12; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:12]

TIP #16: Tampilan Pasal untuk mengeksplorasi pasal; Tampilan Ayat untuk menganalisa ayat; Multi Ayat/Kutipan untuk menampilkan daftar ayat. [SEMUA]
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