TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Ulangan 4:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


The people had been often ready to conclude that Moses taught them by his own authority; but at the close of his life he solemnly assured them that he had instructed them exactly as the Lord had commanded him, neither more, nor less, nor otherwise. This is a most express declaration that he was divinely inspired, and utterly incompatible with his integrity of character, if he was not. Scott.


telah mengajarkan

Mazm 71:17; 119:102; Yer 32:33 [Semua]

dan peraturan

Kel 18:20; [Lihat FULL. Kel 18:20]

yang diperintahkan

Im 27:34; [Lihat FULL. Im 27:34]

kamu masuki

Ezr 9:11

Ulangan 28:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


baik-baik mendengarkan(TB)/yakin kamu dengar(TL) <08085> [If thou shalt.]

melakukan ..... perintah-Nya ......... firman-Nya(TB)/rajin(TL) <06213 04687> [to do all.]

niscaya .... diangkat(TL) <05414> [will set.]


Judul : Berkat karena ketaatan

Perikop : Ul 28:1-14

dan melakukan

Ul 15:5; [Lihat FULL. Ul 15:5]

segala perintah-Nya

Im 26:3; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:3]

di bumi.

Bil 24:7; [Lihat FULL. Bil 24:7]; Ul 26:19; [Lihat FULL. Ul 26:19] [Semua]

Matius 28:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mereka(TB)/dia(TL) <846> [them.]

Aku(TB/TL) <1473 1510> [I am.]

sampai(TB)/hingga(TL) <2193> [unto.]

<281> [Amen.]

CONCLUDING REMARKS ON MATTHEW'S GOSPEL. Matthew being one of the twelve apostles, and early called to the apostleship, and from the time of his call a constant attendant on our Saviour, was perfectly well qualified to write fully the history of his life. He relates what he saw and heard. "He is eminently distinguished for the distinctness and particularity with which he has related many of our Lord's discourses and moral instructions. Of these his sermon on the mount, his charge to the apostles, his illustrations of the nature of his kingdom, and his prophecy on mount Olivet, are examples. He has also wonderfully united simplicity and energy in relating the replies of his Master to the cavils of his adversaries." "There is not," as Dr. A. Clarke justly remarks, "one truth or doctrine, in the whole oracles of God, which is not taught in this Evangelist. The outlines of the whole spiritual system are here correctly laid down: even Paul himself has added nothing: he has amplified and illustrated the truths contained in this Gospel;--under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, neither he, nor any of the other apostles, have brought to light one truth, the prototype of which has not been found in the words and acts of our blessed Lord as related by Matthew."


dan ajarlah

Yoh 14:26; Kis 2:42 [Semua]

menyertai kamu

Ul 31:6; 1Raj 8:57; Hag 1:13; Mat 18:20; Kis 18:10 [Semua]

akhir zaman.

Mat 13:39; 24:3 [Semua]


Matius 28:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


<1161> [the end.]

The Hebrew word {Schabbath,} from which our English word is derived, signifies rest, and is applied to all solemn festivals, equally with that one day of every week devoted to the worship of God; Eze 20:21, "they polluted my sabbaths." Three evangelists say, the transaction recorded in this verse, occurred upon the first day of the week, early in the morning, about sunrising, and John says, while it was yet dark. [Opse <\\See definition 3796\\> sabbaton <\\See definition 4521\\>,] does not signify "in the evening of sabbath," but "sabbaths." Hence, the great feast having been concluded, the term "end of the sabbaths" denotes the time very clearly. Again, it may be observed that the Jews, speaking of their passover, sometimes speak according to their civil computation, wherein they measured their days from sun-rising to sun-rising. Sometimes according to their sacred computation, which was from sun-set to sun-set. This reconciles Nu 28:18, which seems to make the fourteenth day of the first month, the first day of unleavened bread.

Maria Magdalena ... Maria .... Magdalena(TB)/Maryam Magdalena ... Maryam(TL) <3137 3094> [Mary Magdalene.]


Judul : Kebangkitan Yesus

Perikop : Mat 28:1-10


Mr 16:1-8; Luk 24:1-12; Yoh 20:1-10 dengan Mat 28:1-10

Maria Magdalena

Luk 8:2

dan Maria

Mat 27:56

Kolose 1:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


rasul(TB/TL) <652> [an.]

Timotius(TB/TL) <5095> [Timotheus.]


Judul : Salam

Perikop : Kol 1:1-2

Paulus, rasul

1Kor 1:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Kor 1:1]

kehendak Allah,

2Kor 1:1; [Lihat FULL. 2Kor 1:1]

dan Timotius

Kis 16:1; [Lihat FULL. Kis 16:1]

Kolose 1:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


rasul(TB/TL) <652> [an.]

Timotius(TB/TL) <5095> [Timotheus.]


Judul : Salam

Perikop : Kol 1:1-2

Paulus, rasul

1Kor 1:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Kor 1:1]

kehendak Allah,

2Kor 1:1; [Lihat FULL. 2Kor 1:1]

dan Timotius

Kis 16:1; [Lihat FULL. Kis 16:1]

Kolose 4:1-2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berlakulah(TB)/hamba-hambamu(TL) <3930> [give.]

kamu(TB/TL) <5210> [ye.]


dan jujur

Im 25:43,53 [Semua]


Bertekunlah(TB)/bertekun(TL) <4342> [Continue.]

berjaga-jagalah(TB)/jagalah(TL) <1127> [watch.]

syukur(TB/TL) <2169> [thanksgiving.]


Judul : Petunjuk-petunjuk lebih lanjut

Perikop : Kol 4:2-6

dalam doa

Luk 18:1; [Lihat FULL. Luk 18:1]


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