TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Tawarikh 25:20-24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Allah .............. allah(TB)/Allah .............. berhala-berhala(TL) <0430> [it came of God.]

mencari(TB)/dicaharinya(TL) <01875> [sought.]


orang Edom.

2Taw 10:15; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 10:15]


lalu mengadu(TB)/berpandang(TL) <07200> [they saw one another.]

That is, "they fought against each other." To face an enemy, or to face one another, is still a common expression. The reason of this war was evidently the injury the army of Joash had done to the unoffending inhabitants of Judah. The ravages committed by them were totally unprovoked, base, and cowardly: they fell upon women, old men, and children, and butchered them in cold blood, when all the effective men were gone with their king against the Edomites. The quarrel of Amaziah were certainly just, yet he was put to the rout: he fell, and Judah with him, as Joash had said; and the reason was, because "it came of God, that he might deliver them into the hands of their enemies, because they sought after the gods of Edom." This was the reason why the Israelites triumphed.

Bet-Semes(TB)/Bait-Semes(TL) <01053> [Beth-shemesh.]


terpukul(TB)/dialahkan(TL) <05062> [put to the worse. Heb. smitten.]

lari(TB)/larilah(TL) <05127> [fled.]


menangkap Amazia ...... Amazia(TB)/ditangkap ......... Amazia(TL) <08610 0558> [took Amaziah.]

Yoahas(TB)/Yoahaz(TL) <03059> [Jehoahaz.]


[Azariah. gate of Ephraim.]

Gerbang ..... Pintu pintu gerbang ..... pintu(TB)/pintu gerbang ..... pintu gerbang penjuru(TL) <08179 06437> [corner gate. Heb. the gate of it that looketh.]


Gerbang Efraim

2Raj 14:13; Neh 8:17; 12:39 [Semua]

Gerbang Sudut,

2Taw 26:9; Yer 31:38 [Semua]


emas(TB/TL) <02091> [all the gold.]

orang-orang ... pulanglah pulanglah(TB)/orang(TL) <01121 07725> [the hostages also.]

It is probable that these hostages were given in order that Amaziah might regain his liberty.


keluarga Obed-Edom,

1Taw 26:15; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 26:15]

TIP #02: Coba gunakan wildcards "*" atau "?" untuk hasil pencarian yang leb?h bai*. [SEMUA]
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