TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Imamat 23:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ditetapkan ............ perayaan(TB)/raya .............. raya-Ku(TL) <04150> [the feasts.]

God appointed several festivals among the Jews. The Passover was celebrated on the 14th, or rather 15th day of the first month in the ecclesiastical year, which was the seventh of the civil year, and lasted seven days. The Pentecost was celebrated on the fiftieth day after the passover, in memory of the law's being given to Moses on Mount Sinai, fifty days, or seven weeks after the departure out of Egypt. The word is derived from the Greek word [Pentekoste,] which signifies the fiftieth. The Hebrews call it the feast of weeks, Ex 34:22. The feast of trumpets, celebrated on the first day of the civil year, when a trumpet was sounded, to proclaim its commencement, which was in the month {Tisri,} answering to our September, Le 23:24, 25. The new moons, or first days of every month, were, in some sort, a consequence of the feast of trumpets. God ordained that, by giving him the first-fruits of every month they should acknowledge him as the Lord of all their time, and own his providence, by which all times and seasons are ordered. The feast of expiation or atonement was kept on the 10th day of {Tisri} or September: the Hebrews call it Kippur, i.e., pardon or expiation, because it was instituted for the expiation of their sins. The feast of tents or tabernacles was so called, because the Israelites kept it under green tents or arbours, in memory of their dwelling in their passage through the wilderness. It was celebrated on the 15th day of {Tisri,} and continued eight days: the first and last days are the most solemn. Besides the feasts mentioned by Moses, we find the feast of {lots,} or {Purim,} which was celebrated among the Jews of Shushan on the 14th of {Adar,} which answers to our February. The feast of the dedication of the temple, or rather, of the restoration of the temple, which had been profaned by Antiochus Epiphanes, which is thought to be the feast mentioned in the gospel Joh 10:22, was celebrated in the winter. {MoÆ’dim,} properly means assemblies, convened at an appointed time and place.

maklumkan(TB)/diserukan(TL) <07121> [proclaim]


Hari-hari raya

Im 23:4,37,44; Bil 29:39; Yeh 44:24; Kol 2:16 [Semua]

pertemuan kudus,

Im 23:21,27 [Semua]


Imamat 27:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


seorang(TB/TL) <0376> [When.]

mengucapkan nazar .... bernazar(TB)/mengasingkan ..... bernazar(TL) <05088 06381> [a singular vow.]

A vow is a religious promise made to God, for the most part with prayer, and paid with thanksgiving. Vows were either of abstinence (Nu 6:30), or the devoting of something to the Lord, as sacrifices (Le 7:16,) or the value of persons, beasts, houses, or lands, concerning which the law is here given. A man might vow or devote himself, his children, his domestics, his cattle, his goods, etc.; and respecting the redemption of all these, rules are laid down in this chapter. But if, after consecrating these things, he refused to redeem them, they then became the Lord's property forever. The persons continued all their lives devoted to the sanctuary, the goods were sold for the profit of the temple, or the priests; and the animals, if clean, were offered in sacrifice; and if not proper for sacrifice, were sold, and the proceeds devoted to sacred uses. This is a general view of the different laws relative to vows, mentioned in this chapter.


mengucapkan nazar

Kej 28:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 28:20]

Catatan Frasa: NAZAR.

TIP #09: Klik ikon untuk merubah tampilan teks alkitab dan catatan hanya seukuran layar atau memanjang. [SEMUA]
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