TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Nehemia 4:12-18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sepuluh kali ........... kali(TB)/sepuluh kali(TL) <06471 06235> [ten times.]

tempat(TB/TL) <04725> [From all places, etc. or, That from all places ye must return to us. ye shall return.]

Houbigant, Michaelis, and Dathe contend, that instead of {tashoovoo,} "ye shall return," we should read {chashevoo,} "they designed."


maka(TB)/kutaruh(TL) <05975> [Therefore.]

tempat-tempat ......... bagian-bagian ...... tempat(TB)/tempat-tempat kebawahan(TL) <04725 08482> [in the lower places. Heb. from the lower parts of the place, etc. their swords.]


[Be ye not afraid.]

Ingatlah(TB)/ingatlah(TL) <02142> [remember.]

besar(TB)/mahabesar(TL) <01419> [great.]

berperanglah(TB)/berperang(TL) <03898> [fight.]


kamu takut

Kej 28:15; [Lihat FULL. Kej 28:15]; Ul 1:29; [Lihat FULL. Ul 1:29] [Semua]


Neh 1:8; [Lihat FULL. Neh 1:8]

dan dahsyat

Neh 1:5; [Lihat FULL. Neh 1:5]

dan berperanglah

2Sam 10:12; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 10:12]


Allah(TB)/Allahpun(TL) <0430> [God.]

masing-masing(TB/TL) <0376> [every one.]


telah menggagalkannya,

2Sam 17:14; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 17:14]; Ayub 5:12 [Semua]


buahku(TB)/orangku(TL) <05288> [my servants.]

sebagian ......... sebagian(TB)/setengah ....... setengah(TL) <02677> [and the other half.]

This is no unusual thing in Palestine, even at the present day; people sowing their seed are often attended by armed men, to prevent the Arabs from robbing them of it.

baju zirah(TB)/baju zirha(TL) <08302> [habergeons.]

{Habergeon,} from the Teutonic {hals,} the neck, and {bergen,} to cover, defend, may be considered as signifying a breast-plate, though the Franco-Gallic {hautbergon} signifies a coat of mail; the original {shiryon,} we have already seen, denotes a corslet.


memikul ....... barang-barang(TB)/memikul barang-barang(TL) <05447 05375> [bare burdens.]

satu ..... tangan yang lain(TB)/masing-masing ...... sebelah(TL) <0259> [every one.]

That is, he had his arms at hand; and was as fully prepared to fight as to work. The builders could not possibly have made any progress, if they had literally held a weapon in one of their hands; but the expression is evidently figurative, implying that every man was a much a soldier as a builder.

satu ..... tangan yang lain(TB)/masing-masing ...... sebelah(TL) <0259> [with one.]


memegang senjata.

Mazm 149:6


pinggangnya(TB) <04975> [by his side. Heb. on his loins. he that sounded.]


peniup sangkakala.

Bil 10:2; [Lihat FULL. Bil 10:2]

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