TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Ulangan 9:12-21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bangunlah(TB/TL) <06965> [Arise.]

busuk(TB)/kauhantar(TL) <07843> [corrupted.]

segera ............... segera(TB)/segera ................ segera(TL) <04118> [are quickly.]


berlaku busuk;

Ul 4:16; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:16]

mereka segera

Hak 2:17


Kulihat(TB)/melihat(TL) <07200> [I have.]

tengkuk(TB)/tengkuknya(TL) <06203> [stiffnecked.]


Kulihat bangsa

Ul 9:6; Ul 10:16 [Semua]


Biarkanlah(TB/TL) <07503> [Let me.]

menghapuskan(TB/TL) <04229> [blot.]

Kubuat(TB)/menjadikan(TL) <06213> [and I will.]



Kel 32:10

dan menghapuskan

Bil 14:12; [Lihat FULL. Bil 14:12]

kolong langit;

Yer 7:16


berpalinglah(TB/TL) <06437> [I turned.]

gunung(TB)/gunung ... gunung(TL) <02022> [the mount.]


kedua tanganku.

Kel 32:15; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:15]


menyaksikan(TB)/kulihat(TL) <07200> [I looked.]


lembu tuangan,

Kel 32:4; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:4]


kulemparkan(TB)/kucampakkan ... dalam(TL) <07993 05921> [cast them.]

Moses might have done this through distress and anguish of spirit, on beholding their abominable idolatry and dissolute conduct; or probably he did it emblematically, and perhaps by the direction of God; intimating thereby, that as by this act of his the tables were broken in pieces, on which the Law of God was written, so they, by their present conduct, had made a breach in the covenant, and broken the laws of their Maker and Sovereign.


sujud(TB)/sujudlah(TL) <05307> [I fell down.]

The transgressions of the people rendered this second forty days' fasting necessary to Moses. Their pardon was indeed in some sense obtained before he ascended the mount; yet probably much of the time which he spent there was employed in supplication: and when he descended the second time, with the tables of the law in his hands, the pardon was, as it were, ratified and sealed.


aku sujud

Kel 34:28

tidak kuminum

Ul 9:9

kamu perbuat,

Kel 32:31; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:31]


gentar(TB)/ketakutan(TL) <03025> [For I.]

TUHAN ........... TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ........... Tuhan(TL) <03068> [But the.]


memunahkan kamu.

Kel 32:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:14]; Ibr 12:21%& [Semua]

mendengarkan aku.

Ul 9:26; Kel 34:10; Bil 11:2; [Lihat FULL. Bil 11:2]; 1Sam 7:9; Yer 15:1 [Semua]



kuambil(TB/TL) <03947> [I took.]

sungai(TB/TL) <05158> [the brook.]

This was the stream which flowed from the rock that Moses smote with his rod, (Ex 17:6,) and to which the Psalmist alludes in Ps 78:16-20; 105:41. Philo relates, that upon Moses' striking the rock, the water poured out like a torrent, affording not only a sufficient quantity for allaying their present thirst, but to fill their water vessels, to carry with them on their journey.


menjadi abu,

Mazm 18:43; Yes 29:5; 40:15 [Semua]

dari gunung.

Kel 32:20; Yes 2:18; Mi 1:7 [Semua]

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