TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

1 Raja-raja 11:17-34

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Hadad ................. Hadad(TB)/Hadad ................... Hadad(TL) <0111 01908> [Hadad.]

masih ... muda budak(TB)/budak kecil(TL) <05288 06996> [a little child.]

{N„ƒr katon,} rather, "a little boy:" one who was apprehensive of his danger, and could, with his father's servants, make his escape.


Midian(TB/TL) <04080> [Midian.]

Probably not the Midian east of the Red Sea, to which Moses fled, (Ex 2:15, etc.) but the Midian east of the Dead Sea, and south of Moab. These Midianites, whose daughters seduced the Israelites to commit idolatry (Nu 22:4, 7; 25:15; 31:2, etc.) were descendants of Midian, son of Abraham, (Ge 25:2.) Their capital city was called Midian, and its remains were to be seen in the time of Eusebius and Jerome: it was situated on the Arnon, south of the city Ar, or Areopolis.

Paran ....... Paran(TB)/Paran .... Paran(TL) <06290> [Paran.]

Probably the city of Paran, or the district around it, situated in the south of Idumea, and according to Eusebius, three days' journey east from Elah or Elath, at the head of the eastern branch, or Elamitic gulf of the Red Sea.


ke Paran;

Bil 10:12


disayangi(TB) <04672> [found.]

diberikannya(TB)/diberikan(TL) <05414> [that he gave.]

Tahpenes(TB)/Takhpenais(TL) <08472> [Tahpenes.]


menyapih(TB)/dipeliharakan(TL) <01580> [weaned.]


Hadad ...................... Hadad(TB/TL) <01908> [Hadad.]

Biarkanlah(TB) <07971> [Let me depart. Heb. Send me away.]


kekurangan(TB/TL) <02638> [But.]

biarkanlah .... pergi(TB)/biarkan ... beta pergi(TL) <07971> [Nothing. Heb. Not. let me go.]


Allah(TB/TL) <0430> [God.]

Hadadezer(TB)/Hadad-ezar(TL) <01909> [Hadadezer.]


Ps 60:1 *title


seorang lawan

1Raj 5:4; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 5:4]

yakni Hadadezer,

2Sam 8:3; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 8:3]


Damsyik(TB)/Damsyik .......... Damsyik(TL) <01834> [to Damascus.]

Damsyik(TB)/Damsyik .......... Damsyik(TL) <01834> [in Damascus.]

Damascus, called also Damesk, but generally El Sham, by the Arabs, is situated in a delightful plain, well watered by the Barrada, at the eastern foot of Antilibanus, being surrounded by the hills in the form of a triumphal arch, 136 miles N. of Jerusalem, 195 S. of Antioch, and 276 S. S. W. of Diarbekir. It is a city of the highest antiquity, being at least as ancient as the time of Abraham: it has been often captured, and several times demolished, but has always risen to splendour and dignity. The modern town is described by Maundrell as of a long, straight figure, it ends pointing nearly N. E. and S. W. It is very slender in the middle, but swells bigger at each end, especially at that to the N. E. According to Niebuhr, the walls are something less than a league and half in circumference; and the population is estimated at from 100,000 to 150,000


ke Damsyik;

2Sam 8:5; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 8:5]


umur(TB)/hidup(TL) <03117> [all the days.]

muak(TB)/bermusuh(TL) <06973> [abhorred.]


atas Aram.

Kej 10:22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:22]; 2Sam 10:19; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 10:19] [Semua]


Yerobeam(TB/TL) <03379> [Jeroboam.]

Efraim(TB)/seorang Efrayim(TL) <0673> [an Ephrathite.]

hamba Salomo(TB)/hamba Sulaiman(TL) <08010 05650> [Solomon's servant.]


Judul : Yerobeam memberontak terhadap Salomo

Perikop : 1Raj 11:26-40

janda, memberontak

2Taw 13:6


memberontak(TB)/mendurhaka(TL) <07311> [lifted up.]

Salomo(TB)/Sulaiman(TL) <08010> [Solomon.]

menutup(TB)/dibaikinya(TL) <05462> [repaired. Heb. closed.]

tembusan(TB)/pagar tembok(TL) <06556> [the breaches.]

kota(TB)/negeri(TL) <05892> [the city.]


mendirikan Milo,

1Raj 9:24; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 9:24]


bekerja(TB)/rajin(TL) <06213> [was industrious. Heb. did work.]

mengawasi(TB)/diangkat(TL) <06485> [he made.]

pekerja wajib(TB)/orang bekerja(TL) <05447> [charge. Heb. burden.]

keturunan(TB)/rumah(TL) <01004> [the house.]


seorang tangkas;

Rut 2:1; [Lihat FULL. Rut 2:1]

yang rajin

Kej 39:4; [Lihat FULL. Kej 39:4]; Ams 22:29 [Semua]


Ahia(TB/TL) <0281> [Ahijah.]

Silo(TB)/Siloni(TL) <07888> [Shilonite.]

berdua(TB)/kedua(TL) <08147> [and they two.]


nabi Ahia,

1Raj 12:15; 14:2; 2Taw 9:29; 10:15 [Semua]


badannya lalu dikoyakkannya ... dua(TB)/dicarikkannya(TL) <07167 08147> [rent it.]


lalu dikoyakkannya

1Sam 15:27


berkata .......... firman(TB)/katanya(TL) <0559> [thus saith.]


akan mengoyakkan

1Raj 11:11; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 11:11]; 1Sam 15:27; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 15:27] [Semua]


satu(TB) <0259> [he shall.]

Yerusalem kota ... negeri(TB)/Yeruzalem(TL) <03389 05892> [for Jerusalem's sake.]


oleh karena

2Sam 7:15; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 7:15]


meninggalkan(TB/TL) <05800> [they have forsaken.]

Asytoret(TB)/Astoret(TL) <06253> [Ashtoreth.]


sujud menyembah

Hak 2:13; [Lihat FULL. Hak 2:13]

tidak hidup

2Raj 21:22

segala ketetapan

1Raj 3:3


Kuambil(TB/TL) <03947> [Howbeit.]

Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [for David.]

TIP #04: Coba gunakan range (OT dan NT) pada Pencarian Khusus agar pencarian Anda lebih terfokus. [SEMUA]
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