TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Kejadian 14:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Kadesh(TB)/Kades(TL) <06946> [Kadesh.]

En-mishpat or Kadesh, was about 8 leagues south of Hebron.

Amalek(TB/TL) <06003> [Amalekites.]

Hazezon-Tamar(TB)/Hazezon(TL) <02688> [Hazezon-tamar.]

Called by the Chaldee, "En-gaddi," a town on the western shore of the Dead Sea.



Kej 16:14; 20:1; Bil 13:26; 20:1; 32:8; Ul 1:2; Yos 10:41; Hak 11:16; Mazm 29:8 [Semua]

orang Amalek,

Kel 17:8; Bil 13:29; 14:25; 24:20; Ul 25:17; Hak 3:13; 6:3; 10:12; 12:15; 1Sam 14:48; 15:2; 28:18; 2Sam 1:1; 1Taw 4:43; Mazm 83:8 [Semua]

orang Amori,

Bil 13:29; Ul 1:4; Yos 2:10; 13:4 [Semua]

di Hazezon-Tamar.

2Taw 20:2; Yeh 48:28 [Semua]

Kejadian 16:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


beranak(TB/TL) <03205> [A.M. 2092. B.C. 1912. bare.]

Mesir(TB/TL) <04713> [Egyptian.]

namanya(TB)/bernama(TL) <08034> [name.]



Judul : Hagar dan Ismael

Perikop : Kej 16:1-16

Adapun Sarai,

Kej 11:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 11:29]

tidak beranak.

Kej 11:30; [Lihat FULL. Kej 11:30]; Luk 1:7,36; Gal 4:24-25 [Semua]

hamba perempuan,

Kej 21:9; 24:61; 29:24,29; 31:33; 46:18 [Semua]

Mesir, Hagar

Kej 16:3-4,8,15; Kej 21:14; 25:12 [Semua]

Kejadian 16:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Lalu .... menjumpainya(TB)/didapati(TL) <04672> [found.]

mata ........ mata(TB/TL) <05869> [the fountain.]

Syur(TB)/Tsyur(TL) <07793> [Shur.]

The desert of Shur being between the south of Canaan, where Hebron was situated, and Egypt, it is likely that Hagar was returning to her own country.


Malaikat Tuhan

Kej 16:11; Kej 21:17; 22:11,15; 24:7,40; 31:11; 48:16; Kel 3:2; 14:19; 23:20,23; 32:34; 33:2; Bil 22:22; Hak 2:1; 6:11; 13:3; 2Sam 24:16; 1Raj 19:5; 2Raj 1:3; 19:35; Mazm 34:8; Za 1:11; Kis 5:19; [Lihat FULL. Kis 5:19] [Semua]

mata air

Kej 16:14; Kej 21:19 [Semua]

ke Syur.

Kej 20:1; [Lihat FULL. Kej 20:1]; Kej 25:18; Kel 15:22; 1Sam 15:7; 27:8 [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: MALAIKAT TUHAN.

Kejadian 16:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible



That is, The well of him that liveth and seeth me.

Kadesh(TB)/Kades(TL) <06946> [Kadesh.]


itu sumur

Kej 16:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 16:7]

sumur Lahai-Roi;

Kej 24:62; 25:11 [Semua]


Kej 14:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:7]

Bilangan 13:26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


padang gurun(TB)/padang(TL) <04057> [unto the wilderness.]


Kadesh(TB)/Kades(TL) <06946> [Kadesh.]



Kej 14:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:7]

gurun Paran.

Kej 14:6; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:6]

kepada keduanya

Bil 32:8

hasil negeri

Ul 1:25

Bilangan 20:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berteriak(TB)/berseru-seru(TL) <06817> [we cried.]

mengutus ... malaikat ..... malaekat(TB)/disuruhkannya(TL) <07971 04397> [sent an.]


kami berteriak

Kej 16:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 16:11]; Kej 21:17; [Lihat FULL. Kej 21:17]; Kel 2:23; [Lihat FULL. Kel 2:23] [Semua]

seorang malaikat

Kel 14:19

dari Mesir.

Kel 12:42; Ul 26:8 [Semua]

tepi perbatasanmu.

Bil 20:14,23; Bil 33:37 [Semua]

Ulangan 1:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


<03212> [through.]

lalu(TB)/sampailah(TL) <0935> [we came.]


Judul : Kedua belas pengintai dikirim

Perikop : Ul 1:19-25

padang gurun

Ul 2:7; 8:15; 32:10; Mazm 136:16; Yer 2:2,6; Hos 13:5 [Semua]

orang Amori,

Ul 1:7; [Lihat FULL. Ul 1:7]


Ul 1:2; Bil 13:26 [Semua]

Ulangan 32:51

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berubah(TB)/bersalah(TL) <04603> [ye trespassed.]

Meriba(TB/TL) <04808> [Meribah-Kadesh. or, strife at Kadesh.]

berubah ......................... kekudusan-Ku(TB)/bersalah ..................... menguduskan(TL) <04603 06942> [because ye.]



Yeh 47:19

gurun Zin,

Bil 13:21; [Lihat FULL. Bil 13:21]; Bil 20:11-13 [Semua]

orang Israel.

Bil 27:14

Ulangan 32:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible



Judul : Nyanyian Musa

Perikop : Ul 32:1-43

Pasanglah telingamu,

Mazm 49:2; Mi 1:2 [Semua]

hai langit,

Yer 2:12

ucapan mulutku.

Ul 4:26; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:26]

1 Samuel 15:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


memukul(TB)/dialahkan(TL) <05221> [smote.]

Hawila(TB/TL) <02341> [Havilah.]

This Havilah was probably situated in Arabia, and the district of Chaulon may mark the spot. It seems different from that encompassed by the river Pison, one of the rivers of Eden.

Syur(TB/TL) <07793> [Shur.]


orang Amalek

1Sam 14:48; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 14:48]

ke Syur,

Kej 16:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 16:7]

Mazmur 29:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membuat .... gemetar ....... gemetar(TB)/menggerakkan ..... menggerakkan(TL) <02342> [shaketh.]

Kadesh(TB)/Kades(TL) <06946> [Kadesh.]



Bil 13:26; Bil 20:2; [Lihat FULL. Bil 20:2] [Semua]

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