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Kejadian 8

1 Allah mengingat Nuh, dan membuat air surut.

4 Bahtera berhenti di Ararat.

6 Nuh mengirim seekor burung gagak dan kemudian seekor burung merpati.

13 Nuh, setelah diperintahkan, keluar dari bahtera.

20 Dia mendirikan mezbah, dan memberikan persembahan, yang diterima oleh TUHAN, Dia berjanji tidak akan mengutuk bumi lagi.

TSK Full Life Study Bible

8:1 · Allah mengingat ingatlah ................. Allah(TB)/Allahpun ingatlah .................... Allah(TL) <02142 0430> [God remembered.]

· ternak(TB)/jinak(TL) <0929> [the cattle.]

· angin(TB/TL) <07307> [a wind.]


Judul : Air bah surut

Perikop : Kej 8:1-22

Allah mengingat

Kej 9:15; 19:29; 21:1; 30:22; Kel 2:24; Bil 10:9; Rut 4:13; 1Sam 1:11,19; 2Raj 20:3; 1Taw 16:15; Neh 1:8; 5:19; 13:14,22,31; Ayub 14:13; Mazm 105:42; 106:4; Luk 1:54,72 [Semua]

melalui bumi,

Kel 14:21; Yos 2:10; 3:16; Ayub 12:15; Mazm 66:6; Yes 11:15; 44:27; Nah 1:4 [Semua]


8:2 · mata-mata(TB)/pancaran(TL) <04599> [fountains.]

· hujan(TB/TL) <01653> [the rain.]


di langit

Kej 7:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 7:11]

berhentilah hujan

Kej 7:4; [Lihat FULL. Kej 7:4]

8:3 · sambil ... pergi datang(TL) <01980> [continually. Heb. in going and returning. hundred.]


puluh hari.

Kej 7:24; [Lihat FULL. Kej 7:24]

8:4 · bahtera(TB/TL) <08392> [the ark.]

· bulan bulan ketujuh ....... bulan(TB)/bulan ... ketujuh ...... bulan(TL) <02320 07637> [seventh month.]

That is, of the year, not of the deluge.

· Ararat(TB/TL) <0780> [Ararat.]

Ararat is generally understood to be Armenia, as it is rendered elsewhere, in which there is a great chain of mountains, like the Alps or the Pyrenees, upon the highest part of which, called by some, "The Finger Mountain," the ark is supposed to have rested.


yang ketujuh,

Kej 7:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 7:11]

pada pegunungan

Kej 7:20


2Raj 19:37; Yer 51:27 [Semua]

8:5 · makinlah lebih berkuranglah(TB)/makinlah lebih surut(TL) <02637 01980> [decreased continually. Heb. were in going and decreasing. the tenth.]

8:6 · membuka tingkap ... tingkap(TB)/dibukakanlah .... tingkap(TL) <06605 02474> [opened the window.]


puluh hari,

Kej 7:12

8:7 · gagak(TB/TL) <06158> [a raven.]

· terbang pulang pergi(TB)/terbang pergi(TL) <03318 07725> [went forth to and fro. Heb. in going forth and returning.]


burung gagak;

Im 11:15; Ul 14:14; 1Raj 17:4,6; Ayub 38:41; Mazm 147:9; Ams 30:17; Yes 34:11; Luk 12:24 [Semua]

atas bumi.

Kej 8:11

8:8 · merpati(TB/TL) <03123> [a dove.]


burung merpati

Ayub 30:31; Mazm 55:7; 74:19; Kid 2:12,14; Yes 38:14; 59:11; 60:8; Yer 48:28; Yeh 7:16; Hos 7:11; 11:11; Nah 2:7; Mat 3:16; 10:16; Yoh 1:32 [Semua]

8:9 · mendapat(TB)/didapati(TL) <04672> [found.]

· pulanglah(TB)/kembalilah(TL) <07725> [and she.]

· dibawanya(TB)/dicapainya(TL) <0935> [pulled her. Heb. caused her to come.]

8:10 · menunggu(TB)/dinantikan(TL) <02342> [stayed.]

· tujuh(TB/TL) <07651> [seven.]

8:11 · zaitun(TB)/pohon zait(TL) <02132> [an olive.]


atas bumi.

Kej 8:7

8:12 · ditunggunya(TB)/bernantilah(TL) <03176> [And he.]

· tujuh(TB/TL) <07651> [seven.]

8:13 · keenam(TB)/enam(TL) <08337> [A.M. 1657. B.C. 2347. six.]


Dalam tahun

Kej 5:32; [Lihat FULL. Kej 5:32]


From this, it appears, that Noah was in the ark a complete solar year, or 365 days; for he entered it on the 17th day of the 2nd month, in the 600th year of his life, and continued in it till the 27th day of the 2nd month, in the 601st year of his life, as we see above.


Dalam bulan

Kej 7:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 7:11]



dan isteri

Kej 7:13; [Lihat FULL. Kej 7:13]

8:17 · keluar(TB)/berbiak(TL) <03318> [Bring.]

· berkeriapan(TB)/berlimpah-limpah(TL) <08317> [breed.]


di bumi.

Kej 1:22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 1:22]



dan isteri

1Pet 3:20; 2Pet 2:5 [Semua]

8:19 · menurut jenisnya(TB)/jenisnya(TL) <04940> [kinds. Heb. families.]

8:20 · mendirikan(TB)/diperbuatlah(TL) <01129> [builded.]

· binatang .... haram ... binatang ...... haram(TB)/binatang ... halal ........ halal(TL) <0929 02889> [clean beast.]

· bakaran(TB)/korban bakaran(TL) <05930> [burnt.]


bagi Tuhan;

Kej 12:7-8; 13:18; 22:9; 26:25; 33:20; 35:7; Kel 17:15; 24:4 [Semua]

tidak haram

Kej 7:8; [Lihat FULL. Kej 7:8]

korban bakaran

Kej 22:2,13; Kel 10:25; 20:24; 40:29; Im 1:3; 4:29; 6:8-13; Bil 6:11; Hak 6:26; 11:31; 1Sam 20:29; Ayub 1:5; 42:8 [Semua]

8:21 · mencium(TB) <07306> [smelled.]

· baunya persembahan ... harum(TB)/harumlah baunya(TL) <07381 05207> [sweet savour. Heb. savour of rest. curse.]

· manusia .... ditimbulkan(TB)/manusia ... sangka-sangka ... manusia(TL) <0120 03336> [for. or, though. the imagination.]

· lagi(TL) <03254> [neither.]

· Kulakukan(TB)/Kuperbuat(TL) <06213> [as I.]


yang harum

Kel 29:18,25; Im 1:9,13; 2:9; 4:31; Bil 15:3,7; 2Kor 2:15 [Semua]

mengutuk bumi

Kej 3:17; [Lihat FULL. Kej 3:17]

sejak kecilnya,

Kej 6:5; Mazm 51:7; Yer 17:9; Mat 15:19; Rom 1:21 [Semua]

takkan membinasakan

Yer 44:11

yang hidup

Kej 9:11,15; Yes 54:9 [Semua]


8:22 · Selama selamanya ................ siang ..... siang(TB)/selamanya ... bumi .................. siang(TL) <0776 03117> [While the earth remaineth. Heb. as yet all the days of the earth.]

· musim menabur(TB/TL) <02233> [seed-time.]

Most of the European nations divide the year into four distinct parts, called quarters or seasons; but there are six divisions in the text, which obtained in Palestine among the Hebrews, and exist among the Arabs to the present day. According to this gracious promise, the heavenly bodies have preserved their courses, the seasons their successions, and the earth its increase for the use of man.

· Selama ................. siang(TB)/selamanya .................... siang(TL) <03117> [day.]


takkan berhenti-henti

Kej 1:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 1:14]

dan menuai,

Yos 3:15; Mazm 67:7; Yer 5:24 [Semua]


Mazm 74:17; Za 14:8 [Semua]

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