TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Kejadian 14:1-24

Abram : the son of Terah of Shem

Adma : a town destroyed with Sodom
(32° 5´, 35° 33´); (31° 7´, 35° 24´)

Amalek : members of the nation of Amalek
(30° 39´, 34° 50´); (35° 5´, 40° 25´); (31° 42´, 35° 12´)

Amori : members of a pre-Israel Semitic tribe from Mesopotamia
(31° 25´, 35° 40´)

Amrafel : king of Shinar in the days of Abraham

anak-anak Seir : a mountain and adjoining land,a man from the highlands of Seir (OS); father-in-law of Esau

Aner : an Amorite chief who was an ally of Abram,a town in the territory of Manasseh given to the Kohathites
(32° 31´, 35° 12´)

Ariokh : king of Ellasar, a town in Mesopotamia,the captain of the Nebuchadnezzar's guard

bahasa Ibrani : an ancient Jewish language used in the Old Testament

bangsa Ibrani : a person descended from Heber; an ancient Jew; a Hebrew speaking Jew,any Jew, but particularly one who spoke the Hebrew language

bani Amalek : members of the nation of Amalek
(30° 39´, 34° 50´); (35° 5´, 40° 25´); (31° 42´, 35° 12´)

bani Dan : residents of the town of Dan; members of the tribe of Dan,the tribe of Dan as a whole; the descendants of Dan in Israel
(33° 14´, 35° 39´); (31° 45´, 34° 59´)

Bela : a town near the south end of the Dead Sea,son of Beor; first king of Edom,son of Benjamin son of Israel,son of Azaz; a leader in the tribe of Reuben
(30° 55´, 35° 25´)

Bera : king of Sodom in Abraham's time

Birsya : king of Gomorrah in Abraham's time

Damsyik : a city-state in Syria, located near Mt. Hermon at the edge of the Syrian desert (OS),a town near Mt. Hermon at the edge of the Syrian desert (OS)
(33° 31´, 36° 18´)

Dan : residents of the town of Dan; members of the tribe of Dan,the tribe of Dan as a whole; the descendants of Dan in Israel
(33° 14´, 35° 39´); (31° 45´, 34° 59´)

Elam : son of Shem son of Noah,a country east of the Tigris and Babylon in the territory of Media,son of Shashak of Benjamin,son of Meshelemiah; a Levite gatekeeper,a man whose descendants returned from exile in Babylon; Elam I,forefather of exile returnees with Zerubbabel; Elam II,forefather of returnees headed by Jeshaiah,forefather of Shecaniah who had to put away his heathen wife,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law,a priest who helped Nehemiah dedicate the new wall of Jerusalem
(32° 11´, 48° 15´)

Elasar : a town in Mesopotamia
(37° 3´, 40° 59´)

Eskol : brother of Mamre and Aner, Amorites who were allies of Abraham,a valley near Hebron, presumably where Eshcol once lived

Gomora : an ancient city known for its sin whose ruins are said to be visible from the Masada,a town destroyed with Sodom by burning sulphur
(31° 9´, 35° 28´)

Ham : a man and nation; son of Noah,a country occupied by the descendants of Ham
(31° 57´, 35° 55´); (30° 6´, 31° 20´)

Hoba : a place north of Damascus to which Abraham pursued his enemies
(33° 30´, 36° 28´)

Ibrani : a person descended from Heber; an ancient Jew; a Hebrew speaking Jew,any Jew, but particularly one who spoke the Hebrew language

Kadesh : an oasis 100 km south of Gaza & 120 km NNW of Ezion-Geber, where Israel made an encampment
(30° 41´, 34° 29´); (34° 33´, 36° 31´)

Laut Asin : the Dead Sea, at the southern end of the Jordan River,the Mediterranean Sea,the Persian Gulf south east of Babylon,the Red Sea
(31° 32´, 35° 28´); (33° 14´, 33° 28´); (27° 5´, 34° 46´); (30° 5´, 31° 13´); (27° 5´, 34° 46´)

lembah Refaim : a tall ancient people in the land east of the Jordan,a fertile valley on the boundary of Judah and Benjamin (OS)
(32° 48´, 35° 56´)

lembah Sidim : a valley somewhere at the southern end of the Dead Sea

Lot : a son of Haran; nephew of Abraham,son of Haran son of Terah; nephew of Abraham

Mamre : a place where Abraham camped, probably a few km north of Hebron,an Amorite chief who was Abraham's ally, with Eshcol and Aner
(31° 32´, 35° 5´)

Melkisedek : the king of Salem who blessed Abraham and received his tithe,king of Salem who blessed Abraham and received his tithe

negeri Bela : a town near the south end of the Dead Sea,son of Beor; first king of Edom,son of Benjamin son of Israel,son of Azaz; a leader in the tribe of Reuben
(30° 55´, 35° 25´)

orang Amalek : members of the nation of Amalek
(30° 39´, 34° 50´); (35° 5´, 40° 25´); (31° 42´, 35° 12´)

orang Amori : a member of a pre-Israel Semitic tribe,a pre-Israel Semitic tribe from the city of Mari in Mesopotamia
(31° 25´, 35° 40´)

orang Dan : residents of the town of Dan; members of the tribe of Dan,the tribe of Dan as a whole; the descendants of Dan in Israel
(33° 14´, 35° 39´); (31° 45´, 34° 59´)

orang Hori : resident(s) of the region of Mount Seir

orang Ibrani : a person descended from Heber; an ancient Jew; a Hebrew speaking Jew,any Jew, but particularly one who spoke the Hebrew language

orang Refaim : a tall ancient people in the land east of the Jordan,a fertile valley on the boundary of Judah and Benjamin (OS)
(32° 48´, 35° 56´)

orang-orang Amori : members of a pre-Israel Semitic tribe from Mesopotamia
(31° 25´, 35° 40´)

orang-orang Ibrani : a person descended from Heber; an ancient Jew; a Hebrew speaking Jew,any Jew, but particularly one who spoke the Hebrew language

perempuan Ibrani : a person descended from Heber; an ancient Jew; a Hebrew speaking Jew,any Jew, but particularly one who spoke the Hebrew language

Salem : the city of Jerusalem,a town where Melchizedek lived
(31° 46´, 35° 14´); (32° 23´, 35° 31´)

Seir : a mountain and adjoining land,a man from the highlands of Seir (OS); father-in-law of Esau
(30° 44´, 35° 36´)

seorang Ibrani : a person descended from Heber; an ancient Jew; a Hebrew speaking Jew,any Jew, but particularly one who spoke the Hebrew language

seorang muda Ibrani : a person descended from Heber; an ancient Jew; a Hebrew speaking Jew,any Jew, but particularly one who spoke the Hebrew language

Sinear : a region including Babylonia and Babel, Erech, and Accad (OS)
(32° 32´, 44° 25´); (30° 57´, 46° 6´); (31° 49´, 35° 17´); (32° 32´, 44° 25´); (30° 57´, 46° 6´)

Sodom : an ancient town somewhere in the region of the Dead Sea that God destroyed with burning sulphur,a town 25 km south of Gomorrah and Masada
(31° 11´, 35° 23´)

suku Amalek : members of the nation of Amalek
(30° 39´, 34° 50´); (35° 5´, 40° 25´); (31° 42´, 35° 12´)

suku Dan : residents of the town of Dan; members of the tribe of Dan,the tribe of Dan as a whole; the descendants of Dan in Israel
(33° 14´, 35° 39´); (31° 45´, 34° 59´)

Syawe : a valley or plain near Jerusalem

Syemeber : the king of Zeboiim in Abraham's time

Syinab : the king of Admah in Abraham's time

Tideal : the king of Goiim defeated by Abraham

Zeboim : a town and valley inhabited by Benjamites after the exile
(31° 6´, 35° 28´)

Zoar : a town at the south end of the Dead Sea
(30° 55´, 35° 25´)

Kejadian 32:1-2

Mahanaim : a town of Gad 6 km east of Succoth
(32° 12´, 35° 37´)

Yakub : the second so of a pair of twins born to Isaac and Rebeccaa; ancestor of the 12 tribes of Israel,the nation of Israel,a person, male,son of Isaac; Israel the man and nation

Kejadian 36:1-5

Ada : a woman; one of Lamech's wives, before the flood,daughter of Elon the Hittite; Esau's second wife

Ana : son of Zibeon the "Hivite"; father of Oholibamah Esau's wife; an Edomite chief, the honorary son of his grandfather Seir the Horite (ZD357,360, DC)

bani Het : a person/people living in the land of Syro-Palestine

Basmat : daughter of Elon the Hittite; Esau's second wife,daughter of Ishmael; Esau's third wife and cousin,daughter of Solomon

Edom : resident(s) of the region of Edom
(34° 50´, 39° 7´); (33° 12´, 36° 30´); (30° 44´, 35° 36´); (33° 12´, 36° 30´); (33° 31´, 36° 18´)

Elifas : son of Esau,a man of Teman who was a friend of Job

Elon : father of Basemath/Adah, the Hittite wife of Esau,son of Zebulun son of Israel,a town in the territory of Dan somewhere west of Jerusalem,a judge of Israel of the tribe of Zebulun
(31° 58´, 35° 6´)

Esau : a son of Isaac and Rebekah,son of Isaac & Rebekah; Jacob's elder twin brother,a people (and nation) descended from Esau, Jacob's brother
(30° 44´, 35° 36´)

Fenisia : the region ofeast Mediterranean coastal land from Arvad (modern Lebanon) south to Gaza,the coast land from Mt. Carmel north to the Orontes River
(33° 33´, 35° 21´)

Het : a person/people living in the land of Syro-Palestine

Ismael : son of Abraham and Hagar,father of Zebadiah, governor of Judah under Jehoshaphat,son of Azel of Benjamin,son of Jehohanan,a priest of the Pashur clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Nethaniah; a militia leader who assasinated Gedaliah

Kanaan : an original resident of the land of Canaan,a resident of the region of Canaan

kaum-kaum orang Kanaan : an original resident of the land of Canaan,a resident of the region of Canaan

Korah : a man who led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron.,son of Esau and Oholibamah,son of Eliphaz son of Esau,son of Izhar son of Kohath son of Levi,son of Hebron of Judah,son of Izhar (Amminadab) son of Kohath son of Levi

Nebayot : son of Ishmael son of Abraham and Hagar,the descendants of Ishmael
(30° 19´, 35° 27´)

Oholibama : daughter of Zibeon of Seir; wife of Esau

orang Het : a person/people living in the land of Syro-Palestine

orang Heti : a person/people living in the land of Syro-Palestine

orang Hewi : a person/people descended from Canaan son of Ham son of Noah

orang Kanaan : residents of the region of Canaan

orang-orang Hewi : a person/people descended from Canaan son of Ham son of Noah

orang-orang Kanaan : residents of the region of Canaan

perempuan Kanaan : residents of the region of Canaan

perempuan-perempuan Kanaan : residents of the region of Canaan

Rehuel : son of Esau and Ishmael's daughter Basemath,a man of Midian; father-in-law to Moses,father of Eliasaph, leader of Gad in the time of Moses,son of Ibnijah of Benjamin whose offspring returned from exile

seorang Kanaan : an original resident of the land of Canaan,a resident of the region of Canaan

Yaelam : son of Esau and Oholibamah

Yeush : son of Esau and Oholibamah,son of Bilhan, great grandson of Benjamin son of Israel,son of Eshek of Benjamin,a Levitical chief of the descendants of Shimei, son of Gershon, under King David,son of Rehoboam

Zibeon : the Hivite grandfather-in-law of Esau,son of Seir

Kejadian 37:21

bani Ruben : the tribe of Reuben

kaum-kaum orang Ruben : the tribe of Reuben

orang Ruben : the tribe of Reuben

Ruben : a tribe of the nation Israel descended from the oldest son of Jacob and Leah,son of Jacob and Leah,the tribe of Reuben

Kejadian 37:2

Bilha : Rachel's maid; third wife of Jacob; mother of Dan and Naphtali,a town of Simeon and Judah inhabited by the clan of Shime-i
(31° 14´, 34° 50´)

Yakub : the second so of a pair of twins born to Isaac and Rebeccaa; ancestor of the 12 tribes of Israel,the nation of Israel,a person, male,son of Isaac; Israel the man and nation

Yusuf : the husband of Mary and foster-father of Jesus,a Jewish man from Arimathea in whose grave the body of Jesus was laid,two different men listed as ancestors of Jesus,a man nominated with Matthias to take the place of Judas Iscariot as apostle,a son of Jacob and Rachel; the father of Ephraim and Manasseh and ruler of Egypt,a brother of Jesus; a son of Mary,a man who was a companion of Paul,son of Jacob and Rachel; patriarch of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh,a tribe, actually two tribes named after Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manasseh,father of Igal, of Issachar, who helped spy out Canaan,son of Asaph the Levite; worship leader under Asaph and King David,a man who put away his heathen wife; an Israelite descended from Binnui,priest and head of the house of Shebaniah under High Priest Joiakim in the time of Nehemiah

Zilpa : Leah's maid

Titus 2:9

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