TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne
(Catatan: Pada kondisi "aktif" atau "on", lagu himne akan diputar secara otomatis ketika mouse hover pada sebuah judul himne)

Himne Indonesia

Kejadian 1:1-31

Kidung Jemaat

  • Allahkulah Kuatku dan Mazmurku [KJ.62]
  • Hai Anak-Anak, Muda dan Belia [KJ.67]
  • Hai Mari Sembah [KJ.4] ( O Worship the King )
  • O Hari Istirahat [KJ.20] ( O Day of Rest and Gladness )
  • Pada Mulanya [KJ.69]
  • Sebelum Semua Jadi [KJ.136]
  • Sungguh Indah Alam [KJ.61]
  • Takkah Patut Ku Bernyanyi [KJ.290]
  • Tuhan, karyaMu Sungguh Besar [KJ.63] ( Many and Great, O God )
  • Tuhan, Pencipta Semesta [KJ.289]
  • Tuhanku Yesus [KJ.19] ( Fairest Lord Jesus / Schönster Herr Jesu )
  • Ya Roh Kudus Berkurnia [KJ.238]

Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat

  • Hai, Puji Namanya [PKJ.55]

Himne Inggris

Kejadian 1:1-31

  • [Kej 1:1] Creator Of The Earth And Sky
  • [Kej 1:1] Eternal God, Mover Unmoved
  • [Kej 1:1] God, That Madest Earth And Heaven
  • [Kej 1:1] Many And Great, O God
  • [Kej 1:2] Father, Whose Creating Hand
  • [Kej 1:2] Hear Us, Thou That Broodest
  • [Kej 1:2] O Lord, Be Us When We Sail
  • [Kej 1:3] Blest Creator Of The Light
  • [Kej 1:3] God Of The Morning, At Whose Voice
  • [Kej 1:3] God, Our Father, Made The Daylight
  • [Kej 1:3] Let There Be Light, Lord God Of Hosts
  • [Kej 1:3] O Blest Creator Of The Light
  • [Kej 1:3] O Trinity Of Blessed Light
  • [Kej 1:3] Thou, Whose Almighty Word
  • [Kej 1:4] Thou Framer Of The Light And Dark
  • [Kej 1:5] Evening And Morning
  • [Kej 1:5] This Day The First Of Days Was Made
  • [Kej 1:9] Earth’s Mighty Maker, Whose Command
  • [Kej 1:9] O Boundless Wisdom, God Most High
  • [Kej 1:9] O God, The Joy Of Heav’n Above
  • [Kej 1:9] Thou Spakest, Lord, And Into One
  • [Kej 1:12] Beautiful Bright Sunshine, The
  • [Kej 1:14] Another Year Is Dawning
  • [Kej 1:14] New Wonders Of Thy Mighty Hand
  • [Kej 1:16] Creator Of The Stars Of Night
  • [Kej 1:16] Maker Of The Sun And Moon, The
  • [Kej 1:16] Most Holy Lord And God Of Heaven
  • [Kej 1:20] Almighty God, Who From The Flood
  • [Kej 1:20] Fish In Wave, The Bird On Wing, The
  • [Kej 1:26] Maker Of Man, Who From Thy Throne
  • [Kej 1:26] Today, O Lord, A Holier Work
  • [Kej 1:27] As Man And Woman We Were Made
  • [Kej 1:27] On Man, In His Own Image Made
  • [Kej 1:31] All Things Bright And Beautiful
  • [Kej 1:31] Oh How Fair That Morning Broke
  • [Kej 1:31] Six Days Of Labor Now Are Past

Keluaran 2:22

  • [Kel 2:22] I Am A Poor Wayfaring Stranger
  • [Kel 2:22] A Pilgrim Through This Lonely World

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