TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Raja-raja 10:15-27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


[lighted on. Heb. found.]

13 9:21 *margins [Semua]

Yonadab ....................... Yonadab(TB)/Yonadab .......................... Yonadab(TL) <03082> [Jehonadab.]

[Jonadab. Rechab.]

salam(TB)/bersalam-salaman(TL) <01288> [saluted. Heb. blessed.]

Apakah hatimu jujur .... hatiku terhadap ........... diberinyalah ......... sampingnya(TB)/Adakah hatimu benar ..... hatiku .... hatimu ............... bertamparlah(TL) <03824 03477 03426> [Is thine heart right.]

berilah tanganmu ... diberinyalah tangannya lalu ... tangan ..... tangan(TB)/bertamparlah ... lalu(TL) <05414 03027> [give me.]

naik(TB/TL) <05927> [he took him.]

Jehu asked for the hand of Jehonadab not merely for the purpose of assisting him into the chariot, but that he might give him an assurance that he would assist him in the prosecution of his desires; for giving the hand is considered as a pledge of friendship and fidelity, or a form of entering into a contract, among all nations. Mr. Bruce relates, that when he entreated the protection of a {sheikh,} the great people who were assembled came, "and after joining hands, repeated a kind of prayer, of about two minutes long; by which they declared themselves and their children accursed, if ever they lifted their hands against me in the {tell,} (or field) in the desert, or on the river; or, in case that I, or mine, should fly to them for refuge, if they did not protect us at the risk of their lives, their families, and their fortunes, or, as they emphatically expressed it, to the death of the last male child among them." Another striking instance occurs in Ockley's History of the Saracens. Telha, just before he died, asked one of Ali's men if he belonged to the emperor of the faithful; and being informed that he did, "Give me then," said he, "your hand, that I may put mine in it, and by this action renew the oath of fidelity which I have already made to Ali."


dengan Yonadab

Yer 35:6,14-19 [Semua]

bin Rekhab

1Taw 2:55; Yer 35:2 [Semua]

berilah tanganmu!

Ezr 10:19; Yeh 17:18 [Semua]


lihatlah(TB) <03212 07200> [Come with me.]


bagaimana giatku

Bil 25:13; [Lihat FULL. Bil 25:13]


membunuh(TB)/dibunuhnyalah(TL) <05221> [he slew.]

firman(TB/TL) <01697> [according.]


dari keluarga

2Raj 9:8


Ahab .... beribadah ... Baal ....... beribadah(TB)/Akhab ... ibadat ... Baal .......... ibadat(TL) <05647 01168 0256> [Ahab served Baal.]

Yehu ................. Yehu(TB)/Yehu ..................... Yehu(TL) <03058> [Jehu.]


Judul : Yehu menghapuskan penyembahan Baal

Perikop : 2Raj 10:18-36

kurang beribadah

Hak 2:11; [Lihat FULL. Hak 2:11]


nabi(TB/TL) <05030> [all the prophets.]

beribadah ...................................... orang-orang yang beribadah(TB)/hambanya(TL) <05647> [all his servants.]

imamnya(TB)/ajar-ajarnya(TL) <03548> [all his priests.]

Yehu(TB/TL) <03058> [But Jehu.]


itu, panggillah

1Raj 18:19


berkata Tentukanlah(TB)/Sucikanlah(TL) <06942> [Proclaim. Heb. Sanctify.]


raya perkumpulan

Kel 32:5; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:5]


datanglah ............. masuklah ... ke(TB)/datanglah .......... datang ..... masuklah(TL) <0935> [And they came.]

Baal Baal ........... rumah Baal ... Baal .... sesak Baal(TB)/Baal .............. kuil Baal .... kuil Baal(TL) <01168 01004> [the house of Baal.]

penuh .... ujung ... ujung(TB)/penuhlah ....... ujungnya ..... ujungnya(TL) <06310 04390> [full from one end to another. or, so full that they stood mouth to mouth.]


pakaian ........... pakaian(TB)/pakaian ......... pakaian(TL) <03830 04403> [vestments.]


Yonadab(TB/TL) <03082> [Jehonadab.]

penyembah ........................ beribadah(TB)/kepada(TL) <05647> [the worshippers.]


orang ....... Siapa ....... orang-orang(TB)/orang ........ seorang ....... orang(TL) <0376 0582> [If any of the men.]


ganti nyawa

Yos 2:14; [Lihat FULL. Yos 2:14]


Masuklah(TB)/masuk(TL) <0935> [Go in.]

seorangpun(TB)/seorang(TL) <0376> [let.]

mata(TB/TL) <06310> [edge. Heb. mouth.]


Masuklah, bunuhlah

Kel 22:20; [Lihat FULL. Kel 22:20]; 2Raj 11:18; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 11:18] [Semua]

boleh lolos!

1Raj 18:40; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 18:40]


berhala(TB)/patung(TL) <04676> [images. Heb. statues.]

1Ki 14:23 *marg:

dibakar(TB)/dibakarnya(TL) <08313> [and burned them.]


tiang berhala

Kel 23:24; [Lihat FULL. Kel 23:24]


merobohkan tugu patung .... merobohkan(TB)/dirobohkannyalah patung ........ dibongkarnya(TL) <04676 05422> [brake down the image.]

membuatnya ... jamban longkang(TB)/dijadikannya longkang(TL) <04163 07760> [made it a draught house.]

This was an ancient mode of degradation, which still continues in the East; and we are informed, that Abbas the Great, king of Persia, having conquered Bagdad, treated the tomb of Hanifah, one of the fathers of the church among the Turks, in a similar manner.


juga rumah

1Raj 16:32; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 16:32]

TIP #25: Tekan Tombol pada halaman Studi Kamus untuk melihat bahan lain berbahasa inggris. [SEMUA]
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