TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yosua 8:1-29

TSK Full Life Study Bible


takut .... tawar hati gentar(TB)/takut(TL) <03372 02865> [Fear not.]

bawalah ... tentara .... orang ........... rakyatnya ........ rakyatnya(TB)/Ambillah(TL) <03947 05971> [take all.]

It would seem, from this verse, that all that were capable of bearing arms were to march out of the camp on this occasion: 30,000 formed an ambuscade in one place; and 5,000 were placed in another, who all gained their positions in the night. With the rest of the army, Joshua appeared the next morning before Ai, which the men of that city would naturally suppose was the whole of the Israelitish force and, consequently, be the more emboldened to come out and attack them. Some, however, think that 30,000 men were the whole that were employed on this occasion, 5,000 of whom were placed in ambush on the west of the city, between Bethel and Ai (ver. 12,) and, with the rest, Joshua appeared before the city in the morning. The king, seeing but about 25,000 coming against him, though he had but 12,000 persons in the whole city (ver. 25), determined to risk a battle, issued out, and was defeated by stratagem.

Ketahuilah ... serahkan ........ menyerahkan(TB)/bahwasanya(TL) <07200 05414> [see, I have.]


Judul : Ai dibinasakan

Perikop : Yos 8:1-29

Janganlah takut

Kej 26:24; Ul 31:6 [Semua]

tawar hati;

Bil 14:9; [Lihat FULL. Bil 14:9]; Ul 1:21; [Lihat FULL. Ul 1:21] [Semua]

seluruh tentara

Yos 10:7

ke Ai.

Yos 7:2; 9:3; 10:1; 12:9 [Semua]

Aku serahkan

Yos 6:2; [Lihat FULL. Yos 6:2]


kaulakukan ... Ai Ai ..... kaulakukan(TB)/berbuat ... Ai ........ kauperbuat(TL) <05857 06213> [do to Ai.]

[See on ch.]

barang-barangnya(TB)/jarahannya(TL) <07998> [only the spoil.]

Suruhlah ... bersembunyi ............ pengadang(TB)/menaruh(TL) <07760 0693> [lay thee.]


kamu jarah.

Kej 49:27; [Lihat FULL. Kej 49:27]

kamu jarah.

Yos 8:27; Ul 20:14 [Semua]

orang bersembunyi

Yos 8:4,12; Hak 9:43; 20:29 [Semua]


malam(TB/TL) <03915> [by night.]


bersembunyi(TB)/mengadang(TL) <0693> [lie in wait.]

terlalu ... jauh ...... bersiap-siaplah(TB)/jauh(TL) <07368 03966> [go not.]


pertama(TB)/dahulu(TL) <07223> [as at.]

melarikan(TB)/lari(TL) <05127> [that we will.]


memancing(TB)/menceraikan(TL) <05423> [drawn. Heb. pulled.]

melarikan ............ melarikan(TB)/lari .......... lari(TL) <05127> [They flee.]


TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [for the Lord.]


dalam tanganmu.

Hak 7:7; 1Sam 23:4 [Semua]


kota negeri .... membakarnya(TB)/negeri(TL) <05892 03341> [set the city.]

ingatlah ... perintahku pesanku(TB) <07200 06680> [See, I have.]


kamu membakarnya;

Hak 20:29-38 [Semua]

dengan firman

Yos 8:19


Betel(TB)/Bait-el(TL) <01008> [between.]


bermalam(TB)/tinggallah(TL) <03885> [lodged.]


tempat persembunyian

2Taw 13:13


bangun(TB)/bangunlah(TL) <07925> [rose up.]


bangun pagi-pagi,

Kej 22:3

orang Israel

Yos 7:6; [Lihat FULL. Yos 7:6]



lima ribu(TB/TL) <0505 02568> [five thousand.]

Ai(TB/TL) <05857> [of the city. or, of Ai.]


barisan belakang(TB)/penutupnya(TL) <06119> [liers in wait. Heb. lying in wait.]


barat(TB/TL) <03220> [on the west.]


Ai melihat(TB)/kelihatanlah ...... Ai(TL) <07200 05857> [Ai saw it.]

tahu ..... bersembunyi ............. pengadang(TB)/diketahuinya(TL) <03045 0693> [he wist not.]


ke lereng

Ul 1:1; [Lihat FULL. Ul 1:1]

tidak tahu,

Hak 20:34


arah(TB)/jalan(TL) <01870> [by the way.]


dipukul mundur

Hak 20:36

padang gurun.

Yos 15:61; 16:1; 18:12 [Semua]


Sebab ......... dikerahkan ... mengejar .... bersama-sama ... mengusir(TB)/dipanggil(TL) <02199 07291> [called together.]

terpancing(TB)/diceraikan(TL) <05423> [drawn away.]


mereka terpancing

Hak 20:31


Seorangpun(TB)/seorangpun(TL) <0376> [a man.]

Betel(TB)/Bait-el(TL) <01008> [Bethel.]

Bethel is not mentioned in the Greek version, and some, with Houbigant and Pilkington, think it was not originally in the Hebrew; because, had the men of Bethel pursued, as well as those of Ai, it would have been said that they left the cities, and not the city, open. The principal strength of Bethel might have been previously taken into Ai, as the strongest place to make a stand in; Bethel being but about three miles westward from Ai.


Acungkanlah .................... mengacungkan(TB)/Kedangkanlah .............. ke ...... dikedangkanlah(TL) <05186> [Stretch.]

lembing .................... lembing(TB)/tumbak ................... tumbak(TL) <03591> [the spear.]

The word {keedon} is rendered {clypeum,} a shield or buckler, by the Vulgate but the LXX. translate it [gaison,] which Suidas says, signifies a kind of weapon, [hoion doratos,] like a spear. It may denote a short spear, javelin, or lance; for it is evident that it signifies neither the larger spear nor the shield, because it is distinguished from both.

Joshua may have had a flag or ensign at the end of the spear, which might be seen at a considerable distance when extended, which was the sign agreed upon by him and the ambush.


Acungkanlah lembing

Ayub 41:17; Mazm 35:3 [Semua]

di tanganmu

Kel 4:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 4:2]; Kel 17:9-12 [Semua]

mengacungkan lembing

Yos 8:26



maka segeralah

Hak 20:33

segera membakar

Yos 8:8; [Lihat FULL. Yos 8:8]


asap(TB/TL) <06227> [the smoke.]

sempat(TB)/jalan(TL) <03027> [and they had.]

sempat(TB)/jalan(TL) <03027> [power. Heb. hand.]


naik membubung

Hak 20:40


membubung, berbaliklah

Hak 20:41


dibiarkan terlepas(TB)/tiada yang dapat lari(TL) <07604 08300> [let none.]


atau luput.

Ul 7:2; Yos 10:1 [Semua]



mereka hidup-hidup

1Sam 15:8


Ai Ai ......................... kembali ... Ai Ai(TB)/Ai .......................... kembali ... Ai(TL) <07725 05857> [returned unto Ai.]

This must refer to the women, children, and old persons left behind; for it seems that all the effective men had sallied out when they imagined the Israelites had fled. (ver. 16.)


orang Ai.

Ul 20:16-18 [Semua]


Yosua(TB)/Yusakpun(TL) <03091> [Joshua.]

Joshua seems to have been not only the general but the standard-bearer of the army, (ver. 18,) and continued in this employment, by holding up or extending his spear, during the whole of the battle; and did not slacken from the pursuit till the forces of Ai were utterly discomfited. Some commentators, however, understand this action in a figurative sense, like the holding up of Moses' hands, as if it implied that Joshua continued in prayer for the success of his troops, nor ceased till the armies of Ai were annihilated, and the city taken and destroyed.

menarik tangannya(TB)/menurunkan(TL) <07725 03027> [drew not.]


mengacungkan lembing

Yos 8:18

kota Ai

Kel 17:12


Bil 21:2; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:2]


ternak(TB)/binatang(TL) <0929> [the cattle.]

diperintahkan-Nya(TB)/kepada(TL) <06680> [he commanded.]



kepada Yosua.

Yos 8:2; [Lihat FULL. Yos 8:2]


timbunan puing(TB)/timbunan(TL) <08510> [an heap.]

sekarang(TB)/hari(TL) <03117> [unto this day.]


Yosua membakar

Bil 31:10; [Lihat FULL. Bil 31:10]


Yos 7:2; Yer 49:3 [Semua]

timbunan puing

Ul 13:16; [Lihat FULL. Ul 13:16]; Yos 10:1 [Semua]

sampai sekarang.

Kej 35:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 35:20]


raja(TB/TL) <04428> [the king.]

The kings of Canaan lay under the same curse as their subjects and probably were more deeply criminal. The reserving of the king of Ai for a solemn execution, would tend to strike terror into the other kings, contribute to the success of Israel, and give their proceedings the stamp of a judicial process, and of executing the vengeance of God upon his enemies.

matahari(TB/TL) <08121> [as soon.]

timbunan .... timbunan(TB)/timbunan .... besar(TL) <01530 01419> [a great heap.]


matahari terbenam,

Ul 21:23; [Lihat FULL. Ul 21:23]; Yoh 19:31 [Semua]

timbunan batu

2Sam 18:17

TIP #18: Centang "Hanya dalam TB" pada Pencarian Universal untuk pencarian teks alkitab hanya dalam versi TB [SEMUA]
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