TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yosua 3:14--4:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pengangkat tabut tabut(TB)/diusunglah ..... tabut(TL) <05375 0727> [bearing the ark.]


tabut perjanjian

Mazm 132:8

di depan

Kis 7:44-45 [Semua]


kakinya(TB)/kaki(TL) <07272> [the feet.]

Yordan .................. Yordan sebaklah sebak sampai meluap(TB)/Yarden .................. Yarden ... sebaklah(TL) <04390 03383> [Jordan overfloweth.]

The ordinary current of the Jordan, near where the Israelites crossed, is said by Maundrell, to be about twenty yards across, deeper than a man's height, and so rapid, that there is no swimming against it. It has, however, two banks; the first, or inner one, is that of the river in its natural state, and the second, or outer one, about a furlong distant, is that of its overflowings, which it does when the summer's sun has melted the snow on mount Lebanon and Hermon, in the months of March and April. And this was the time which God chose that the Israelites should pass over it; that a miraculous interposition might be necessary; and that, by the miracle, they might be convinced of his omnipotence.

musim(TB)/hari(TL) <03117> [all the time.]


sungai Yordan

2Raj 2:6

itu sebak

Yos 4:18; 1Taw 12:15; Yes 8:7 [Semua]

musim menuai

Kej 8:22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 8:22]


melonjak(TB)/lalu(TL) <06965> [rose up.]

Sartan(TB)/Zartan(TL) <06891> [Zaretan.]


[Zarthan. the salt sea.]

The passage through the Red Sea took place in the night, when the Israelites were fleeing from the Egyptians with great trepidation: but they passed Jordan in the day-time, with previous warning, leisurely, directly opposite to Jericho, and with a triumphant defiance of the Canaanites; this passage into the promised land evidently typifying the believer's passage through death to heaven.


itu mengalir.

Mazm 66:6; 74:15; 114:3 [Semua]

menjadi bendungan

Ayub 38:37; Mazm 33:7 [Semua]

sebelah Sartan,

1Raj 4:12; 7:46 [Semua]

yang turun

Yos 3:13

Laut Araba

Ul 1:1; [Lihat FULL. Ul 1:1]

Laut Asin,

Kej 14:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:3]


Kej 8:1; [Lihat FULL. Kej 8:1]; Kel 14:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:22] [Semua]

tentangan Yerikho.

2Raj 2:4


imam(TB/TL) <03548> [the priests.]

para ........ tetap berdiri ......... sementara sedang(TB)/Maka .................. sementara(TL) <05975 03559> [stood firm.]

Israel(TB/TL) <03478> [all the Israelites.]


para imam

Yos 3:3; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:3]

sungai Yordan,

Yos 4:3,5,8,9,10 [Semua]

di tanah

Kel 14:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:22]; Yos 2:10; [Lihat FULL. Yos 2:10] [Semua]


menyeberang selesai menyeberangi(TB) <08552 05674> [were clean passed.]


Judul : Kedua belas batu peringatan

Perikop : Yos 4:1-24

sungai Yordan,

Ul 27:2


dua ... orang ... orang(TB)/dua ... orang(TL) <0582 08147> [twelve men.]


belas orang,

Yos 3:12; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:12]


[the priest's fees.]

dua ... batu ................... batu(TB)/dua .... batu(TL) <08147 068> [twelve stones.]

letakkanlah ... tempat ......... perhentian(TB)/taruhlah(TL) <03240 04411> [leave them.]


belas batu

Yos 4:20

sungai Yordan

Yos 3:17; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:17]

nanti malam.

Yos 4:19


ditetapkannya(TB)/ditentukannya(TL) <03559> [prepared.]


belas orang

Yos 3:12; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:12]


sungai Yordan,

Yos 3:17; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:17]


tanda(TB/TL) <0226> [a sign.]

anak-anakmu(TB/TL) <01121> [when your.]

kemudian hari(TB)/esok jemah(TL) <04279> [in time to come. Heb. to-morrow.]


menjadi tanda

Yos 2:12; [Lihat FULL. Yos 2:12]

Jika anak-anakmu

Kel 10:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 10:2]

Apakah artinya

Yos 4:21; Kel 12:26; Kel 13:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 13:14] [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: ANAK-ANAKMU.


air ................ air(TB/TL) <04325> [the waters.]

peringatan(TB/TL) <02146> [memorial.]


Yordan terputus

Yos 3:13

tanda peringatan

Kel 28:12; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:12]


melakukan ..... Yusak ................ Yusak(TB)/diperbuatlah ........ Yusak ................ Yusak(TL) <06213 03091> [did so as Joshua.]


belas batu

Kel 28:21

sungai Yordan,

Yos 3:17; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:17]

kepada Yosua,

Yos 4:20


menegakkan dua ... dua(TB)/didirikanlah .... dua(TL) <06965 08147> [set up twelve.]

sekarang(TB)/hari(TL) <03117> [and they are there.]

These words might be written by Joshua at the close of his life, or perhaps be added by some later prophet. It seems from this verse, that there were two sorts of stones erected as a memorial of this great event: twelve at Gilgal (ver. 20,) and twelve in the bed of the Jordan; which last might have been placed on a base of strong stone work, so high as always to be visible, and serve to mark the very spot where the priests stood with the ark. Drs. Kennicott and Shuckford, however, would read here with the Syriac, {mittoch,} "from the midst," instead of {bethoch,} "in the midst;" and render, "And Joshua took up the twelve stones (taken) from the midst of Jordan," etc. But this reading is unsupported by any MS. yet collated; and it appears wholly unnecessary.


belas batu

Kej 28:18; [Lihat FULL. Kej 28:18]; Yos 24:26; 1Sam 7:12 [Semua]

sampai sekarang.

Kej 35:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 35:20]


tinggal berdiri ... tengah-tengah .... tengah(TB)/berdiri .... tengah(TL) <05975 08432> [stood in the midst.]

Musa(TB/TL) <04872> [Moses.]

cepat-cepat(TB)/bersegera-segeralah(TL) <04116> [hasted.]


tabut(TB/TL) <0727> [that the ark.]


bani ... bani .............. orang(TB)/bani .... bani .............. bani(TL) <01121> [the children.]


bani Ruben,

Kej 29:32; [Lihat FULL. Kej 29:32]

bani Gad

Kej 30:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 30:11]

suku Manasye

Kej 41:51; [Lihat FULL. Kej 41:51]

orang Israel

Bil 32:27; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:27]

kepada mereka.

Bil 32:29


balatentara ...... siap ... berperang(TB)/balatentara ... pilihan(TL) <02502 06635> [prepared for war. or, ready armed.]

dataran(TB)/padang-padang(TL) <06160> [to the plains.]


untuk berperang

Kel 13:18; [Lihat FULL. Kel 13:18]


Bil 32:17; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:17]


membesarkan(TB/TL) <01431> [magnified.]

takutlah ..... takut .... takutnya(TB)/takutlah ........ takutnya(TL) <03372> [they feared him.]


Tuhan membesarkan

Yos 3:7; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:7]



tabut hukum

Kel 25:22


Keluarlah(TB)/Naiklah(TL) <05927> [Come ye up.]


tapak(TL) <03709> [the soles.]

dijejakkan(TB)/baharu(TL) <05423> [lifted up. Heb. plucked up. that the waters.]

As soon as the priests and the ark were come up out of Jordan, the waters of the river, which had stood on a heap, flowed down according to their natural and usual course, and again soon filled the channel. This make it abundantly evident, that the miraculous change which had been given to the river was not from any secret natural cause, but solely by the power of God, and for the sake of his chosen people; for when Israel's host had passed through, and the token of his presence was removed, immediately the waters went forward again: so that if it be asked, "What aileth thee, O Jordan, that thou wast driven back?" it must be answered, it was in obedience to the God of Israel, and in kindness to the Israel of God.

<03212> [and flowed. Heb. went.]


ke tempatnya

Kel 14:27

dengan meluap

Yos 3:15; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:15]


bulan pertama .... bulan(TB)/bulan ... pertama(TL) <02320 07223> [first month.]

Gilgal(TB/TL) <01537> [Gilgal.]

That is, the place afterwards called Gilgal; for it is so called here by anticipation. It was about ten furlongs east from Jericho, and fifty west from the Jordan. See Josephus and Calmet.


di Gilgal,

Ul 11:30; [Lihat FULL. Ul 11:30]



belas batu

Yos 4:3,8 [Semua]


orang ........ anak-anakmu(TB)/bani ........ anak-anakmu(TL) <01121> [When your.]

kemudian hari(TB)/esok jemah(TL) <04279> [in time to come. Heb. to-morrow.]


Apakah arti

Yos 4:6; [Lihat FULL. Yos 4:6]




di tanah

Kel 14:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:22]


TUHAN ................... TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan .................. Tuhan(TL) <03068> [as the Lord.]

The parents must take that occasion to tell their children of the drying up of the Red Sea forty years before: "As the Lord your God did to the Red Sea." It greatly magnifies later mercies to compare them with those before enjoyed; for, by making the comparison, it appears that God is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever. Later blessings should also bring to remembrance former mercies, and revive thankfulness for them.

mengeringkan ....................... dikeringkan-Nya(TB)/mengeringkan ..................... dikeringkannya(TL) <03001> [which he dried.]


dapat menyeberang,

Kel 14:19-22 [Semua]


bangsa(TB/TL) <05971> [all the people.]

kuat(TB)/kuasa-Nya(TL) <02389> [that it is.]

takut(TB/TL) <03372> [ye might.]

selalu(TB)/hari(TL) <03117> [for ever. Heb. all days.]


bumi tahu,

1Raj 8:60; 18:36; 2Raj 5:15; Mazm 67:3; 83:19; 106:8; Yes 37:20; 52:10 [Semua]

bahwa kuat

Kel 15:16; 1Taw 29:12; Mazm 44:4; 89:14; 98:1; 118:15-16 [Semua]

Tuhan, Allahmu.

Kel 14:31; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:31]

TIP #02: Coba gunakan wildcards "*" atau "?" untuk hasil pencarian yang leb?h bai*. [SEMUA]
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