TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Mazmur 7:3-5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berbuat(TB/TL) <06213> [if I.]

ada(TB) <03426> [if there.]


di tanganku,

Yes 59:3


melakukan(TB)/aku(TL) <01580> [If I.]

melakukan ..... orang(TB)/aku ...... orang .......... melepaskan orang(TL) <01580 02502> [I have.]

alasannya(TB)/semena-mena(TL) <07387> [without.]


ada alasannya,

Mazm 35:7,19; Ams 24:28 [Semua]


musuh ......... menginjak-injak(TB)/seteruku ........ dipijak-pijaknya(TL) <0341 07429> [Let.]

menginjak-injak(TB)/dipijak-pijaknya(TL) <07429> [tread.]

dimasukkannya(TL) <07931> [lay.]

Sela(TB)/Selah(TL) <05542> [Selah.]


sampai menangkap

Kel 15:9; [Lihat FULL. Kel 15:9]

ke tanah,

2Sam 22:43; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 22:43]; 2Raj 9:33; Yes 10:6; Rat 3:16 [Semua]

dalam debu.

Ayub 7:21; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 7:21]

Mazmur 18:20-24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


memperlakukan(TB)/Bahwa dibalas(TL) <01580> [rewarded.]

kesucian(TB)/dianugerahinya(TL) <01252> [cleanness.]


dengan kebenaranku,

1Sam 26:23; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 26:23]

membalas kepadaku

Rut 2:12; [Lihat FULL. Rut 2:12]; 2Taw 15:7; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 15:7]; 1Kor 3:8 [Semua]

kesucian tanganku,

Ayub 22:30; Mazm 24:4 [Semua]


mengikuti(TB)/menurut(TL) <08104> [For I.]

fasik(TB)/menyimpang(TL) <07561> [have not.]


jalan Tuhan

2Taw 34:33; Mazm 37:34; 119:2; Ams 8:32; 23:26 [Semua]

fasik terhadap

Mazm 119:102


hukum-Nya(TB/TL) <04941> [For all.]

kujauhkan(TB/TL) <05493> [I did.]


hukum-Nya kuperhatikan,

Mazm 119:30


bercela(TB)/tulus(TL) <08549> [upright.]

menjaga(TB)/memeliharakan(TL) <08104> [before. Heb. with. I kept.]


tidak bercela

Kej 6:9; [Lihat FULL. Kej 6:9]


TUHAN membalas(TB)/dibalas Tuhan(TL) <07725 03068> [the Lord recompensed me.]

mata-Nya(TB)/hadirat-Nya(TL) <05869> [in his eyesight. Heb. before his eyes.]


dengan kebenaranku,

1Sam 26:23; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 26:23]

Mazmur 75:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menetapkan(TB) <03947> [When.]

menetapkan waktunya ketentuan(TB)/ketentuan(TL) <04150 03947> [receive the congregation. or, take a set time.]


menetapkan waktunya,

Kel 13:10; [Lihat FULL. Kel 13:10]

dengan kebenaran.

Mazm 7:12; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 7:12]

Mazmur 75:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


lagu(TB)/Altasyet(TL) <0516> [A.M. 3294. B.C. 710. (Title.) Al-tas-chith. or, Destroy not.]

57:1 58:1 *titles [Semua]

Mazmur(TB/TL) <04210> [A Psalm.]

Some consider this Psalm to have been written by David on his accession to the throne over all Israel; others refer it to the time of the captivity, considering it as a continuation of the subject in the preceding; but Bp. Patrick and others are of opinion that it was composed by Asaph to commemorate the overthrow of Sennacherib's army, 2 Ki 19:1.

Asaf(TB/TL) <0623> [of Asaph. or, for Asaph.]

nama-Mu(TB/TL) <08034> [for that.]

ajaib(TB/TL) <06381> [wondrous.]


Judul : Allah, Hakim yang adil

Perikop : Mzm 75:1-10

menyerukan nama-Mu

Mazm 145:18

menceritakan perbuatan-perbuatan-Mu

Yos 3:5; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:5]; Mazm 44:2; Mazm 71:16; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 71:16]; Mazm 77:13; 105:2; 107:8,15; 145:5,12 [Semua]

1 Samuel 24:11-15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ayahku(TB/TL) <01> [my father.]

kejahatan(TB)/jahat(TL) <07451> [neither evil.]

mengejar-ngejar(TB)/apalah ...... apalah ........ patik .... patik mengerat ........... patik ......... tuanku ......... patik ..... patik ............ mengumbut(TL) <06658> [thou huntest.]


aku memotong

1Sam 24:4; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 24:4]

tanganku bersih

Mazm 7:4

pada kejahatan

1Sam 25:28

berbuat dosa

Mazm 35:7

ini mengejar-ngejar

Kej 31:36; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:36]; 1Sam 26:20 [Semua]

mencabut nyawaku.

1Sam 20:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 20:1]


TUHAN .... hakim memutuskan ...... TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan .... memutuskan ......... Tuhan(TL) <08199 03068> [Lord judge.]

tanganku(TB)/tangan(TL) <03027> [but mine hand.]


menjadi hakim

Kej 16:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 16:5]; 1Sam 25:38; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 25:38]; Ayub 9:15; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 9:15] [Semua]

kiranya membalaskan

Bil 31:3; [Lihat FULL. Bil 31:3]


kefasikan(TB)/jahat(TL) <07562> [Wickedness.]


timbul kefasikan.

Mat 7:20


raja(TB/TL) <04428> [the king.]

Anjing mati .... saja ... anjing(TB)/anjing matikah(TL) <04191 03611 0259> [a dead dog.]

kutu saja ....... kutu(TB)/kutu(TL) <0259 06550> [a flea.]


Anjing mati!

1Sam 17:43; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 17:43]

Seekor kutu

1Sam 26:20


memutuskan(TB)/Hakim(TL) <01781> [be judge.]

memperjuangkan(TB)/membenarkan(TL) <07378> [plead.]

menjadi hakim ............... keadilan(TB)/memutuskan hukum ................ membantu(TL) <08199> [deliver. Heb. judge.]


menjadi hakim

1Sam 24:12

yang memutuskan

Kej 16:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 16:5]

memperhatikannya, memperjuangkan

Mazm 35:1,23; Yes 49:25 [Semua]

memberi keadilan

Mazm 26:1; 35:24; 43:1; 50:4; 54:3; 135:14 [Semua]

dengan melepaskan

Mazm 119:134,154 [Semua]

1 Samuel 25:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ampunilah(TB/TL) <05375> [forgive.]

TUHAN .............. TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan .............. Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]

ini(TB)/melakukan(TL) <03898> [fighteth.]

jahat didapati(TB)/barang sesuatu kejahatanpun(TL) <07451 04672> [evil hath.]



1Sam 25:24; 2Sam 14:9 [Semua]

yang teguh,

2Sam 7:11,26 [Semua]

melakukan perang

1Sam 18:17

yang jahat

1Sam 24:11

1 Samuel 25:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Maon(TB/TL) <04584> [Maon.]

perusahaan Karmel Karmel ................... Karmel ........ Karmel(TB)/pencariannya(TL) <04639 03760> [possessions were. or, business was. Carmel.]

Not the famous mount Carmel, in the north of Canaan, and in the tribe of Asher; but a city, on a mountain of the same name, in the south of Judah, which seems to have given name to the surrounding territory. Eusebius and Jerome inform us, that there was in their time a town called Carmelia, ten miles east from Hebron, where the Romans kept a garrison, whose position well agrees with this Carmel.

laki-laki ......... Orang(TB)/seorang ........... orang(TL) <0376> [man.]

tiga ribu .... ribu seribu .... seribu(TB)/tiga ribu ..... seribu(TL) <0505 07969> [three thousand.]

pengguntingan bulu(TB)/mengguntingi(TL) <01494> [shearing.]

This was a very ancient custom, and appears to have been always attended with festivity. The ancient Romans, however, used to pluck off the wool from the sheep's backs; and hence a fleece was called {vellus,} a {vellendo,} from plucking it off. Pliny says, that in his time sheep were not shorn every where, but in some places the wool was still plucked off.

Karmel ................... Karmel(TB)/Karmel ........................... Karmel(TL) <03760> [Carmel.]


Judul : Daud, Nabal dan Abigail

Perikop : 1Sam 25:2-44

di Maon,

Yos 15:55; [Lihat FULL. Yos 15:55]

sangat kaya:

2Sam 19:32

pada pengguntingan

Kej 31:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:19]

1 Samuel 8:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pegawai-pegawai(TB)/pegawainya(TL) <05631> [officers. Heb. eunuchs.]


diambilnya sepersepuluh

Kej 41:34; [Lihat FULL. Kej 41:34]; 1Sam 17:25 [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 21:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


murid .................... murid(TB)/murid ................. murid(TL) <3101> [of the.]

Siprus(TB)/Kiperus(TL) <2953> [Cyprus.]

sudah lama(TB)/lama(TL) <744> [an old.]


dari Kaisarea.

Kis 8:40; [Lihat FULL. Kis 8:40]

dari Siprus

Kis 21:3,4 [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 25:10-11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


<1510> [I stand.]

Every procurator represented the emperor in the province over which he presided; and as the seat of government was at Cesarea, St. Paul was before the tribunal where, as a Roman citizen, he ought to be judged.

ini .............. Seperti(TB)/ini ...................... seperti(TL) <5613 4771> [as thou.]


orang Yahudi.

Kis 25:8


jika bersalah ... bersalah ............... jika(TB)/Jikalau .................... jikalau(TL) <1487 91> [if I.]

tidak ... tidak ada seorangpun(TB)/tiada ............ tiadalah(TL) <3762> [no man.]

Aku naik banding(TB)/pengadilan(TL) <1941> [I appeal.]

An appeal to the emperor was the right of a Roman citizen, and was highly respected. The Julian law condemned those magistrates, and others, as violaters of the public peace, who had put to death, tortured, scourged, imprisoned, or condemned any Roman citizen who had appealed to Cesar. This law was so sacred and imperative, that, in the persecution under Trajan, Pliny would not attempt to put to death Roman citizens, who were proved to have turned Christians, but determined to send them to Rome, probably because they had appealed.


kepada Kaisar!

Kis 25:21,25; Kis 26:32; 28:19 [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 25:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible



terhadap Paulus.

Kis 25:15; Kis 24:1 [Semua]

Kolose 1:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengucap syukur dengan sukacita(TB)/mengucap(TL) <2168> [Giving.]

Bapa(TB/TL) <3962> [the Father.]

yang melayakkan(TB)/menjadikan(TL) <2427> [made.]

mendapat(TB)/bahagian(TL) <3310> [partakers.]

bagian(TB)/warisan(TL) <2819> [inheritance.]

di dalam(TB)/di(TL) <1722> [in.]


kepada Bapa,

Ef 5:20

mendapat bagian

Kis 20:32; [Lihat FULL. Kis 20:32]

kerajaan terang.

Kis 26:18; [Lihat FULL. Kis 26:18]

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